Monday, July 23, 2012

The Glass House, Ep. 6

Who's coming back, Holly or Andrea? Let's find out! All I have to say is, this episode better be exciting, because I'm getting pretty sleepy.

What is with the extremely long recap about each and every player? This is ridiculous! Is it just because Bachelor Pad 3 started and they are trying to maybe get some new people to stick around that haven't watched it yet?

Do they really have nothing better to do in the house than to have a gay kissing contest with Jeffrey? "Ew", doesn't even come close to describing Erica and Joy making out with Jeffrey. It was just downright uncomfortable to watch them. And what was even more uncomfortable was watching everyone else watching them. There were some great faces! Kevin! Gene! Haha!! And here I thought that Jeffrey was going to be voting the best kisser, but no, the rest of the house was voting. Weird.

America votes to have the houseguests only be able to move by walking backwards. That shouldn't be hard, not! Next vote was pairing the houseguests up with their high school personas, which were pretty right on:

Keving: the jock
Gene: the class president
Stephanie: the nerd
Mike: the bully
Jeffrey: the class clown
Joy: the tease
Erica: the drama queen

They just had a little too much fun playing off of their personas. It was hilarious! Erica: “I have something to tell you, I'm pregnant too.” Kevin: “A week before the Valley game you're going to tell me this!” lol

I wish Erica and Kevin could figure their relationship out. One minute they're all over each other, the next they hate each other. Erica wanted to spoon, and he didn't want anything to do with it, so he made Stephanie go get her out of his bed! up! Erica was so embarrassed.

Another argument ensues, between Mike and Joy, which is pretty consistent with every episode. For some reason, Joy can never say anything right. Gene and Stephanie get caught talking about Joy, and Joy starts spying on them and then gets all upset and takes her blanket to the couch. Oh my, so much drama!

Next it's on to Erica and Mike. Hmmm...seeing a common denominator here. Mike just needs to stay out of everyone's business. It doesn't have anything to do with him, why does he care?

America has voted and Holly is going bye bye, and Andrea rejoins the house.

Team Captains aka "the Bottom 2" this week: Mike and Stephanie, with Stephanie receiving the least amount of votes.

Mike and Kevin clearly don't know what's going on in the game. They thought Stephanie was a fan favorite. Clearly America doesn't like their team, because their team members are constantly ending up with the least amount of votes.

Challenge winners: Team Stephanie! As the winning puzzle solver, she also won a trip to Las Vegas. Her team was definitely working together well, I was going to be shocked if they didn't come out with the win.

So, Mike will be going to Limbo, along with whoever is voted. Losing team members to choose from: Jeffrey, Gene, Andrea. It's a tough call. They all see Gene as a threat, but who wants to go up against him in Limbo? He's got a very good chance at coming back because the fans seem to like him. So how do you get him out?

The house votes, and Jeffrey will be joining Mike. He received every vote, because he basically volunteered himself--risky move. It seems pretty obvious that Jeffrey will be coming back...but you never know what America is thinking.

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