Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 9.9

Last week, I lost 2 of my favorites. Hoping for a better week this week.

Tiffany and George
Nappy-Tabs hip-hop routine about babysitting...hmmm...sounds interesting. Lots of really fast moves and they are totally in sync. Tiffany does not look like she should be able to hit the moves as hard as she is. She looks great! George is good as well. Very nice routine. I like Tiffany, but George just doesn't do anything for me; he's not a standout in my eyes.
My Score: 9 out of 10

Amber and Brandon
This is the first time they are dancing together, as they both lost partners last week. I don't know what it is, but I just don't get excited for either of these 2. I don't find myself saying, “I can't wait to see them dance this week, and see what they are doing.” Just like everyone else on the show: they are really good dancers. They did a great contemporary piece, but I was not wowed by any means. I didn't see anything spectacular, I'm not sure why the judges were so over-the-top excited about them.
My Score: 7 out of 10

Janellle and Dareian
I love this couple. And love Pasha! Always good to see him! Like I've said before, the music has such an impact on the dance. Have a fun song, and it will be a fun dance worth getting excited over! Wow, talk about flexibility! This girl over-extends her splits every week. All I can say is “ouch!”. Loved this Latin ballroom routine, Dareian was even able to get those hips moving...good for him! “No chemistry” from Mary? Really? I thought they had great chemistry. The negative comments don't bode well for them for the eliminations coming up later.
My Score: 9 out of 10

Lindsey and Cole
Another of my favorite couples. Based on the rehearsals, I'm sure I'm going to love this dance! Lindsey looks like she just floats, her movements are so graceful and beautiful. I love the no lights and shadows, it really gives the dance a whole different feel. Technique: check! Chemistry: check! Emotion: check! (Note: maybe I do know what I'm talking about...both Cat and Nigel mentioned the lighting and shadows too.) Cole got quite the compliment from Nigel: he's a genious.
My Score: 10 out of 10

Amelia and Will
Can't stand this couple...they just bug me! They are both so annoying! They haven't had one “normal” dance this entire season. I don't know if it's their strange personalities that the choreographers are playing into, or what, but they always have the MOST bizarre music, and the strangest concepts for their dances. Not my cup o' tea. It's so hard to look beyond the craziness and try to block out the annoying music to even see if their dancing is anything worth watching. They do a few tough looking moves, but I don't really see anything worth going crazy over. Thank you Nigel for agreeing with me this week!!! At least I know I'm not totally alone here! OK, have to disagree with Mary that Will is the best partner! Seriously? Um...don't think so! A lot of times, a quirky personality makes a person more likable, but in Will's case, it just makes him annoying and immature. That's all I'll say.
My Score: 7 out of 10

Audrey and Matthew
I love this couple! Can't wait to see what they're doing! Fiery red costumes for what is sure to be a spicy salsa! Well, the music is up-beat, but they seem to be moving a little slowly, hopefully they pick it up a little. It looks like they're doing some really tricky, intricate moves, hopefully they get some credit for that. Not bad, but not as good as I hoped for.
My Score: 8 out of 10

Witney and Cheon
I Will Always Love You” is such an emotional song, so this contemporary piece should be amazing. Witney, like Lindsey earlier, just floats like a feather. They just make it look so easy. WHOA! What throw/lift! Very beautiful piece, and what an amazing lift at the end. Standing ovation from the judges...seems about right!
My Score: 10 out of 10

Eliana and Cyrus
Nappy-Tabs: can't wait to see what they come up with for Cyrus. Can I just say that I love everything about Cyrus. Oh, I love the beginning! She's like a ballerina in a music box, how cool! Great tutting section. Eliana is really holding her own with Cyrus. I love the way that Tabitha and Napoleon combined their two styles! This is just frickin' awesome! LOVED IT! And so did the judges, another standing O. And they're “both on the d*** train!” lol
My Score: 10 out of 10

Time for the Results:

Bottom 3 Girls: Amber, Lindsey, Eliana
Bottom 3 Guys: George, Brandon, Dareian

I'm so pleasantly surprised by the bottom 6. Happy about George, Brandon, and Amber, not so happy about Dareian, Lindsey and Eliana.

4 of the 6 will dance again. Based on their decision to have Amber, Eliana, Brandon and Dareian dance again, it would seem that George and Lindsey are definitely safe.

If it were up to me, Amber and George would be the 2 to go home, but of course it isn't up to me.

I think Eliana's couple dance was enough to save her. Dareian had a lot of negative comments, so that could hurt him. However, his solo was AMAZING!

Lindsey and Eliana have been saved! Bye bye Amber, just didn't quite cut it. Next time, bring some more personality.

George and Dareian have been saved! I wish George was leaving, but glad that Dareian was saved.

Great week of dancing, and my top 4 (Janelle, Audrey, Cyrus and Matthew) were spared from the bottom 6 this week!

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