Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.6

I can't wait to see what chaos ensues now that Willie is gone. It seems that the next obvious target would be Shane. I really hope that's not the case, I like him. He and Jojo have a tough road ahead of them thanks to Willie.

I think the house is being way to harsh on Shane and Jojo. Jojo was right that everyone else is sticking with their teams and their coach, why should they be criticized for doing the same thing?

I can't believe that Boogie is suggesting a backdoor in week 2! Really?! These people mean business! Jenn is right...the pawns go home! Nothing is a sure thing in this house, especially this early. There's no guarantee their players can win the veto, because there's no guarantee that their players will even BE in the competition.

Frank nominates Shane and Jojo, so no backdooring this week, just a good ol' fashioned “you- aligned-yourself-with-the-wrong-person-so-you're-now-on-the-block” nominations.

Veto Picks:
Frank pulls out Ian's name. Shane pulls out Ashley. Jojo pulls Wil's name. Frank chooses Joe to be the host. Expect a lot of yelling!

Joe screams that "IT'S TIME FOR THE VETO COMPETITION!", as he's wearing a sombrero and colorful pancho. The contestants come out in tortilla chip costumes. LOL! The costume department has really outdone themselves this season.

And it's on...go Shane!!

The challenge is to look at a master menu, memorize the dishes, then go dive into big bowls of guacamole and other dips to pull out the names of the dishes. They needed to match them up to recreate the master menu.

Ashley's method was, let's just say, out there. You can count her out now. She's the epitome of a “space cadet”.

Shane rings the bell first, but it could be too hasty...he didn't take time to verify his answers on the main menu. Ian is next, followed by Jojo, then Frank and Wil. Wil said: “I have one last one to find and it's the toot.” And, then there's Ashley...checking and double checking. Joe: “she is slower than pond water”!

Time to reveal the players' menus:
If I have to bet, I'd say he's got at least 1 wrong...but it doesn't matter, if he'd checked his answers, Ian would have finished first, and because he got them all right, Ian would have won any way. Shane did what he had to do, let's just hope he gets lucky!

Shane—16/16!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I am in total shock!!!! Boy, he dodged a bullet the size of a rocket ship this week! That makes Shane 2 for 2 in Veto wins this season...which makes him appear as an even bigger physical threat. However, it was necessary this week to save himself.

Shane is the winner, and he is now safe. Now, Frank needs to decide on a replacement nominee. It looks like Danielle is the next choice. 

Right away Shane talks to Boogie and Frank and says he really wants to work with them. Scary place to be...they can't be trusted! I love Boogie's analogy of how they are treating Shane: He's like a wounded animal in a trap. You pick it up, take it back to your cabin and nurse it back to health. Then do you know what you have? A loyal pet. Ha! Shane then listens to them and doesn't tell Britney about their conversation. Hope it doesn't come back to bite him for playing too many sides.

Dan's got some work to do to keep Danielle safe. I'm really disappointed with Dan's coaching. Part of his problem was the people he picked as his team...very weak. He tells Danielle that if he tries to help her, it could make it worse for her. She said he tried to help Kara, why not help her? Dan says that this is his coaching technique, he's trying to get her to fight to save herself. Interesting strategy. I don't see it working for Danielle. I don't think there's anything she can do to save herself. There is no one else even being considered at this point. It's pretty much a done deal. She may not be the one ultimately going home, however, so she still has some hope...not much, but some. Judging from her crying pity party, it looks like she's giving up instead of trying to fight for herself. Good move Dan...not.

Shane hatches an idea to backdoor Wil, who Shane and Frank agree is the next biggest physical threat (I would argue that Joe could be as well). It would take a major miracle to pull that off, I think.

Veto Ceremony
Shane obviously removes himself from the block. Frank's replacement nominee is Danielle, which means that one of Shane's 2 allies, will be leaving tomorrow.

At this point, there is a case to be made against them both, so it's anybody's game!

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