Sunday, July 29, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.8

Wil: "Shane has gone from the hunted to the hunter I'm screwed give me some camoflage folks." Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

Lots of contemplation about who Shane is going to put up. His showmance, Danielle will be safe. The decision lies between which of Janelle's and/or which of Boogie's players to put up. Everyone suggests Frank because he's a threat, but no one knows about Shane's secret alliance with Frank.

Joe does the ultimate butt-kiss: cooks breakfast for Shane.

We're in week 3, and Jenn can speak! It's a miracle! I thought for sure she was mute!

Coaches Competition: Feel the Burn

Shocker: Ian feels uncomfortable in the gym.

Britney goes out in the first round. She chooses a locker and her task is to choose 2 have nots: Ian volunteers again, and she also chooses Joe.

Round 2: Ian: "Boogie looks like he needs a hip replacement". Boogie is out and he wins $10,000 which must be shared-- Boogie chooses to keep the $6000, he gives $3000 to Ian, and $1000 to Jenn. Ian is so thankful, he starts crying!

Round 3: Dan vs Janelle: Dan is not trying to lose because he doesn't want to be traded a loser. Winner: Janelle, in one of the stupidest things ever--moving a switch back and forth with your tongue.
Dan's prize is a cocktail party. He chooses the coaches, Shane and Danielle.

Janelle chooses to save Wil. Uh oh, Shane's target is now safe.

So many things to think about. Shane gets called to the Diary Room and he has no idea what he's going to do.

Nomination Ceremony:
Ashley and Joe are nominated. Joe is out for revenge, and Ashley is all beside herself. She has a real pity party for herself, similar to Danielle last week.
Question: Why aren't Ian and Jenn considered options from Boogie's team? It was like, it was either Frank or just Janelle's players. Are they really that much less of a threat? I would say they are about equal.

They both have a chance to win Veto, but let's face it, Ashley has NO CHANCE of winning. I'm hoping whatever happens, Shane is able to keep the noms the same, so he doesn't have to ruffle.any feathers by putting Frank up. I really think he might have a true, solid alliance, I just hope Frank is being truthful.

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