Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Brother

Boogie, the ladies have got you pegged.  Yes your social game worked with Will, but Dan's already a team member down and Janelle and Brittany are onto your no good antics like stink on a skunk! 
Brittany better stay on her toes, you know the saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!" 
I know, I know, things can go haywire in a heartbeat.  Don't let the "boogie man and dan" get into you head, it's not good!  I like all the coaches, they are fun to watch, but boogie man's ego is a little over the top for me.  lol  I guess we need to watch a few more shows to see how the actual players get along or not. 
Yes, we need to see some drama, dramas good and when you're cooped up like they are telling what will happen. 


Lori Showalter said...

Haha Sharon! "stink on a skunk", "boogie man and dan" crack me up! I know what you mean about Boogie. I know he's always been a character, but man, I think he's trying to be Boogie and Will at the same time, as a one-man Chilltown. He can't possibly keep that up the entire season, he's going to wear himself out!

Sharon said...

It's actually Boogie's fault that Frank went up! Really you wanted to save Ian?? I would have chosen to save my BEST player. Duh Boogie!!!!

Lori Showalter said...

Hey, I think Ian could be a dark horse...don't count him out just yet! Actually...if he had chosen to save Frank, he could have made him an even bigger target the next week. I think he was hoping that Frank could slip under the radar as a threat.