Thursday, July 26, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.7


Evicted: Jojo
New HOH: Shane

How many people will be leaving the BB house tonight? One or Two? If Danielle is evicted, Dan will be exiting right along with her. That would really be a shame. I'd like to see him stick around a little longer.

Observations that really have nothing to do with the game, but I just have to comment on:

1. Wow, Julie Chen looks about the best that she ever has! She's actually wearing a really pretty dress, and her hair looks great tonight too. Nice look Chenbot!

2. What is up with that white thing crawling down his chin? That looks absolutely ridiculous.

3. Did anyone ever notice how much Frank uses his hands when he talks? He continually alternates them up and down, whenever he's talking.

Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's get to it!

Shane and Jojo heating things up in the Have Not Room: Ian is “skeeved out by it”...ha! Look out Jojo, Danielle's coming after you for gettin' up on "her man” (oh no, flashbacks of Rachel!). I think Jojo Jersey Shore needs to go...Staten Island is clueless!

Yay! I'm so excited for the return of Dr. Will! Even if it is only to give his opinions about the season so far.

Some alliances stab you in the back, Chilltown stabs you in the front.”
If Kermit the Frog and Ryan Seacrest had a baby, the baby would be Dan.”
Dan's eyes got pulled into the gravitational force of boobies.” (about his team selections)
Britney: better put your coaching hat on. Your players are getting evicted for violence, you're doing a terrible job coaching.”
If Janelle wins this show, she will have redeemed her two previous losses. If she loses, however, she'll just be a three time loser.”
Boogie is doing a phenomenal job. He's coaching Frank to be his Frankenstein. I think he's trying to build the bigger, better, faster Chilltown member.”

He's worried about his big ego. He thinks the coaches are lackluster, and better get their act together. Will thinks Ian is going to win (see I'm not the only one who thinks he's the dark horse)!!! Boogie is a 40 year old!

Votes for Jojo: Wil, Joe, Ashley, Ian, Jenn
Votes for Danielle: Shane

With a vote of 5 to 1, Jojo Jersey Sho' is sent packing back to Staten Island.

Things are not looking good for Shane and Britney. Shane is now on a team by himself. He's the only one who voted for Danielle, so that pretty much means he's on the opposite side of the entire house...not where you want to be. The chances of the next HOH coming after Shane is about 100%. He NEEDS to win HOH, or pray that he can win a 3rd Veto in a row.

Does anyone else think the guys (other than Shane) are looking extremely strong. 3 girls in a row have been voted out. Willie doesn't count, since he's just an idiot.

HOH Competition: “On Thin Ice”
Hockey to get the highest scoring slot.

Ashley: 4
Joe: 3
Jenn: MISS (How do you not get anything?)
Ian: 9
Wil: 2
Shane: 20!!

Holy Crap! That dude can win when it counts! This is going to be a game-changing week in the BB House!!! There are a LOT of people saying “Crap!” right now! Britney has got to be ecstatic! I'm sure she thought for sure she would be going home next week if he didn't win. Those 2 have some serious work ahead of them...they need to find someone to align with. Will it be Janelle's team or Boogie's team? I'm sure they have Dan/Danielle, but 2 teams of 1 person each is nothing going up against 2 teams of 3.

America's Vote: America gets to decide whether to let the coaches join the game, or if the game should remain the same. Oh dear, what will America decide?

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