Thursday, June 28, 2012

Duets, Ep. 1.7 (Songs from the 2000s)

So, I haven't weighed in on Duets yet, so here are my thoughts on tonight's show.

John and Jennifer Nettles
I've really liked John so far this season. I thought he did OK tonight on the Josh Groban song, but I didn't think it was his best. It just seemed like it was a little too over the top. Not near as good as last week.

Olivia and Robin Thicke
Let's just tell it like it is: Olivia was HORRIBLE tonight! She was pitchy all over the place. I don't think she sang one note on the right pitch. I think every week she's actually getting worse. At the beginning of the competition I thought she was pretty good, but she should have been voted out a couple weeks ago when she was in the bottom. I'm not sure how she has survived the past couple of weeks. A big "thank you" to Kelly Clarkson for agreeing that she was pitchy. That's one of the reasons why she's my favorite of the celebrity partners: she's not afraid to say what she thinks.

Jason and Kelly Clarkson
Whoa, Kelly's blonde this week!
Jason is the opposite of Olivia, he's getting better every week. He started out the competition very nervous and unsure of himself, but he's gained more confidence each week and it's definitely making him a better singer. It helps that he and Kelly sound very good together. Their performance was my favorite of the night.

Bridget and John Legend
I think this was a good song for the duet. She has been a pretty consistent singer throughout the competition, and she didn't disappoint this week. As good and consistent as she is, I haven't been totally blown away with her. I think she's probably in the middle of the pack.

J Rome and Jennifer Nettles
Boy did he start out shaky! That is very unlike him, he's usually pretty solid. He did get better as the song went on though, and finished it nicely. Can I just say that the more I see/hear Jennifer, the more she annoys me. I hate saying that because I think she's a decent singer, and I think she's a very nice person, but there's just something about her that tends to rub me the wrong way. I especially don't really like the way she sings some of her words, I don't know, it just seems odd. I also think that she tries to outsing her partners, and sometimes you don't even hear them because she is so loud.

This week is the first week that America decides who goes home. I really can't see how Olivia will survive after this week. She was so pitiful, and everyone else had a pretty good week. I also don't really think she has much of a personality, and her stage presence is very lacking as well. She always looks terrified on stage and she never really looks like she knows what she's doing.

Here's how I would rank them tonight (I'm sure America will vote differently):
1. Jason
2. Bridget
3. J Rome
4. John
5. Olivia - going home

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance, Meet The Top 20!

We're finally to the really exciting part of So You Think You Can Dance, meeting the Top 20 dancers! Tonight, on the 200th show, the remaining 29 dancers will make the long walk down Green Mile to find out if they've made it or not. I'm really liking the format that they have used in the past couple of years where, they don't really drag it out, and we don't see all of the "no's", they kind of just lump them together.

First up, ironically, is Alexa Anderson. For those of you who watched last year, she was the very last dancer to be told she didn't make it. If you've watched any of the audition or Vegas episodes this year, she was featured A LOT, so it would have been a shocker if she didn't make it. She becomes girl dancer #1. Next up, 2 guys, George Lawrence, Jr. and Will Thomas get yesses. Also making the cut was Amber Jackson, who has tried out twice before, and after last season, said she wasn't coming back. The 4 contemporary dancers perform a group number choreographed by Tyce Diorio. I thought it was very well done and beautiful. They really danced well together.

The next style of dancers being told their fate is ballroom. Nick Bloxsum-Carter is up first. He is very noticeably, quite nervous, and he begins crying. Wow...get it together dude, because you made it! 2 girls who have grown up competing against each other, and are very close friends, now must walk the Green Mile together. Is it just me or could Witney Carson and Lindsay Arnold be sisters, or even twins? Witney gets the good news that she's been chosen. Lindsay is happy for her, and assumes because they said they were looking for 1 ballroom girl, that she didn't make it. Something told me that they were just playing a mean joke (as they often do), and they were...Lindsay also made the Top 20! Their group number was choreographed by Jason Gilkison. For some reason I always find it fascinating when ballroom dances have 3 people instead of 2. This one did not disappoint! It was really awesome. Those 2 girls are amazing, and they were so in sync! Zooey Deschanel said it best, they were firecrackers!

Ballet dancers are up next. All I have to say, is that Daniel Baker NEEDED to be in the Top 20, and I was going to be very disappointed if he wasn't. Eliana Giraud is up first (I wonder if she's related to Matt Giraud from American Idol?). What is up with those ugly blue suede shoes? She is just one bizarre girl, so of course she makes it. Daniel Baker and Chehon Wespi-Tschopp (pronounced 'Keon'; wow, what a name) go down Green Mile together. They are also told that they are looking for 1 ballroom dancer. Daniel was consistent, but didn't give a great last solo; Chehon didn't quite live up to their expectations, but his last solo was who's in and who's out? Another kind of obvious trick...they both are! Yay for Daniel (one of my favorite guys). Their group dance was choreographed by Desmond Richardson. Ballet is not one of my favorite styles, and part of that has to do with the music...I just can't get into it. As far as this dance goes, though, they are all really good, but the guys don't look like they are quite together all the time.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Love In The Wild, Ep. 2.4

This episode starts out just after the last couple ceremony ended. 6 couples are left and each couple seems to have a different vibe:

Ken and Yanina are the "happiest couple"
Ben and Michelle are the "giddy and giggly couple"
Jason and Vanessa are the "sweet couple"
Chase and Summer are the "hopeful couple"
Jesse and Ali are the "annoyed and unsure couple"
Ryan and Jenna are the....the..."I have no idea who they are couple"

The Glass House

Thank you viewers for nixing Alex and his dreams of becoming a so called "epic villain."  Maybe he should take Villainism 101 because he sure does not know the difference between being a villain and just being plain mean.  When playing jeopardy category "lamest epic villains" Alex's name would come up all the way down the category.  ha
What is up with Holly, you lie about what you went to school for "art" and you can't name any artists?  Are you living in a bubble?  Then try to come clean and say you really did go to school for psychology...girl you should get your money back from that school.
What is up with Apollo?  Can you say paranoia?  Strategy, he needs to look that word up in Webster's Dictionary!!  Gee, what kind of test do you take to get on this show?  Maybe while he's in limbo with Holly she can practice her "psychology" on him.  It's a long shot but it might help him if he stays.
It was a tough choice this week, who stays and who goes?  I wouldn't mind if they both go, now that would be epic.   Enough said for now, Later

The Glass House, Ep. 2

Week 2 of The Glass House is here. What has America decided about Alex, will he return or will he be gone for good.  Let's get to it!

We start off by seeing Alex and Jacob going into the Limbo tubes. The houseguests couldn't be happier to be rid of Alex, even if it's only temporary. It didn't take them long to make guesses about who America would send back. However, their guesses don't matter because the "voice" tells them that one person quit. So now, they are trying to figure out which one of them quit. Some think Alex and some think Jacob. Jeffrey said that as Jacob was being lowered into Limbo that he had a really "givey-uppy" face. Haha...great quote! Kevin said that the way that Alex acted, that he wouldn't be surprised if even Alex's friends and families didn't vote for him.

Immediately after the debating, the houseguests took turns impersonating Alex. They were spot-on! I'm so amazed that they had him pegged so perfectly after only being with him for a couple of days. Some of them looked and sounded just like him...scary!

Finally, it was time to find out. Erica said, "Smoke will come out of those holes and the devil will come back from Purgatory." The house looks terrified as Alex is raised up in the Limbo tube. No sooner did he arrive, then he was lowered back down, as America did not vote him back into the house. I was a little surprised. I really thought that America would want to see more of him. They told him to be a villain, after all. But apparently, his plan backfired and he really offended people instead of making good television. His face was priceless as he disappeared.

Now that that's taken care of, the house moves on to other pressing matters: who voted for Erica? Whoever it was, can't be trusted. Some suspect Holly, but she lies to the group, only to later confess to Erica that it was her. She said something about not wanting to follow the house, blah blah blah, but really all she did was make herself a target. And if that wasn't bad enough, others suspect that she is lying about other things as well. Robin thinks she lied about being an art history major because she couldn't name who painted the "Sixteen Chapel". 

OK, sidebar here...I'm pretty sure she said "Sixteen", which is weird, in and of itself. But, even weirder is that on another show (I think it was Dallas), just last week, someone else said the exact same thing. So now I"m wondering if I'm the stupid one for thinking that it is Sisteen Chapel and not Sixteen...or maybe I'm just deaf. 

OK, back to the show. They confront Holly about her actual major and they ask her to name some papers she wrote...and she can't. She confesses that she's a bad liar, and that she is really a psych major and she didn't want people to know because they might see her as a threat. Robin still isn't buying it, so she said, "name one psychologist that you studied". Holly says, "Um...I...uh...", for a REALLY long time. By now, it's obvious she has no clue. She then says "Dr. Phil". What? Really? Absolutely hilarious! They ask her to name what her last paper was on and she says, "I did it was...I'm really not lying about this." And...she couldn't do it! EPIC FAIL! Just for kicks, I went back and looked at what her occupation was: Retail Sales. Um, yeah, not quite psychology. Target is now HUGE and squarely on her back!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Bachelorette, Ep. 8.7

Tonight, the suspense will be over: how will Emily react to the news that Arie and a producer had a relationship years ago, and how will Arie and the producer explain forgetting to mention this to Emily before now? Did the other producers have something to do with that to make things more dramatic? Methinks, yes. And, which guy is going to have the best quotes this week now that Ryan (aka "chocolate chip guy"...for you Amy) is gone.

The first one-on-one goes to Arie (for Amy: "the racecar driver"), as Emily tries to be a tour guide. Note to Emily: don't quit your day job. Again we see another cultural tradition as they rub 2 things on a statue: a lady so they'll be lucky in love, and a dog for loyalty. Can I just say that I think these stupid rituals on every date are getting really annoying?

So now on to the "secret". We see Cassie, the producer, interviewing Emily about the situation. Rightly so, the thing Emily is most upset about is that Arie didn't even give the impression that he knew Cassie. She didn't really care that they dated, she just wished that he would have said, "oh Cassie?, yeah, I know her." She wonders what else he might be hiding, if he was hiding something like that. Arie then begins to make himself look worse as he continues to say how trustworthy and honest he is, when she basically tries to force him into confessing. He almost comes clean about his secret, but this "secret" is that he had an ex's name tatooed on him. His defense was that he just didn't think it was that important, and Cassie said that she didn't want that to effect the way she saw Arie.

They finally talk it all out (off-screen), and apparently, all is good again. Arie then tells Emily that he loves her, making him the first guy to do so this season. Emily tells Arie that she has a surprise for him. Surprise! Fireworks! Really? There are fireworks practically on every date.  I thought it was hilarious to see Arie's reaction. He looked like he had just opened a present at Christmas and all he got was socks. He unconvincingly says "oh cool", but you could tell he was thinking "is that the best you could do." [Update, 6-26: I found it funny this morning on Chris Harrison's blog that he said the fireworks have become like a tradition. So, yeah, not so "surprising."]

Back at the house, Chris is moping and whining and driving the rest of the guys nuts. When the next date card arrives, Chris realizes that he doesn't get a one-on-one this week, and that really bums him out. Poor Chris...not! John get's the next one-on-one date, so the mystery man lucks out. It will be interesting to learn more about this guy. I don't think he's said more than 2 words on the show.

Time for John's one-on-one date. They show off their not-so-great artistic skills on the John Lennon Wall, and then their next stop, is yet another local tradition: a wall of locks to lock their love. Seriously? Can we just stop with all these local legends?  Next it's dinner in a dungeon.  Finally, we start to learn more about John. He had a girlfriend cheat on him 1 week after their 1 year anniversary. She basically disappeared and didn't answer any of his calls. He was finally told by the girl's sister, that she was cheating on him...bummer. John seems really sweet, but let's face it: in this marathon, he's got some miles to make up. He basically needs someone to take a wrong turn and get lost in the woods, for him to even have a shot.

As if getting a one-on-one wasn't bad enough, John returns from his date saying that it couldn't have gone better. Ha! Chris is such a Debbie Downer. You'd think he'd be happy to be going on a date and getting to spend time with Emily, even if it is with a couple of other guys. But, no, he only wants to find out why he didn't get a one-on-one.

After John and Emily's date, Sean decides that he needs to see Emily right away, so he goes looking for her outside, yelling her name up and down the streets. He finally catches up to her and you can tell that she is very excited to see him (who wouldn't be, right?). Was it just me or was she way more excited that Sean snuck out to see her than she was to see Arie when he did it last week?

Group date: Sean, Doug and Chris. Of course Chris is mad...still. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love In The Wild, Ep. 2.3

Love in the Wild isn't one of my all-time favorite reality shows, but I do watch it none-the-less.  It's just one of those guilty-pleasure shows.

My main thought about the season so far is: 'Why does Jenny McCarthy have to be so annoying?'. Seriously. I've always thought that she was annoying, but she's an even more annoying version of herself as the host for this show. Every time they cut to commercial, I try to turn the channel as quickly as possible (and always fail), just to avoid hearing her say "coming up" in a sort of sing-songy, high-pitched way. It's really irritating! It's only 2 words, but it grates on every one of my last nerves...each time! OK, rant over.

On to the contestants. There really aren't any stand-outs for me. The most annoying people are already gone (Shauna and Christian), thank goodness. I don't think any of the guys are super gorgeous, but I would have to say I think Jesse is my favorite. Although, I wasn't too happy with how he treated Tara this week. Ben isn't that attractive, but his British accent and quick wit make him really fun to watch.

So, last week's twist was that all of the guys were going to get to choose another girl (from a new set of girls) to make their duo a trio.

Surprisingly, some of the new girls were making some impressions on the guys and even Ben, who had a very good relationship with Jenny, was looking like it could be over. Most of the "old" girls were annoyed with the "new" girls, and Ali and a couple others decided to "initiate' them by taking all of their towels.

In the challenge, the 3 team members had to be tied together. Long story short, Team Ben, Jenny and Michelle ("Boobs", as Jenny calls her) arrive first and are off to the Oasis.  Team Jesse, Tara and Melissa come in last (after being in 2nd at the beginning of the last leg), so they get the outside tent.

Couples Ceremony:
Ben gets to go first. He gives Jenny the boot (SHOCKER!) and chooses Michelle! Jenny is not happy. Next up, Ken sticks with Yanina (no surprise there). Ryan chooses newby Natalie over Summer (kind of surprising, but she seems to be OK with it). Jason ditches Cina for Vanessa, making a 3rd original girl in trouble. Next, Chase keeps Ali. Finally Jesse decided to send Tara to the Unmatched Area and go with Melissa instead. Jesse had already told Tara that he was looking around, and though she wasn't shocked, she was pretty upset with Jesse and had some choice words for him.

It is then announced that there is going to be a 2nd chance phase. Ben is skipped because he had his choice of anyone at the beginning. Ken keeps Yanina, but Ryan ditches Ali and takes a chance with Jenna instead. Jason stays with Vanessa, but Chase decides to change it up and pick Summer from the Unmatched Area and send Ali there. There was no hiding the fact that Jesse was now very happy because Ali was who he wanted all along. So, when it came to his turn, he sent Melissa packing and saved Ali. All in all, 3 "old" girls and 3 "new" girls were sent home.

Jenny didn't look at Ben as she left, and just said he was an idiot for not picking her because "I'm a catch". Tara said about Jesse, that he was pathetic and that he was going to suck for the rest of his life.

After 3 weeks, 1 couple remains the same: Ken and Yanina.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Phillip Phillips News

Photo: Frank Micelotta/ Getty Images (
Surgery update: As everyone knows, Phillip needed to have kidney surgery. It was no secret that he was in pain the entire season. He was told he needed surgery to remove the large kidney stones he had, but he wanted to continue to compete. Early in the competition, he had a stent put in to keep his kidney from becoming blocked. After the finale, his surgery was scheduled, but when the day came, he was suffering from a sinus infection and was running a high fever, so the surgery was postponed...again. Finally, on June 7, he underwent the 6 hour surgery. He's doing well now, and looking forward to the American Idol tour.
In other exciting news, Phillip was just announced as one of the performers at the Fourth of July celebration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The Bachelorette, Ep. 8.6

Things are heating up on The Bachelorette, and Emily does a little more "weeding" this week.  Here's a recap, as Emily's group of guys is reduced from 8 to 6.

This week, Emily and the guys are in Croatia. Who knew it was so beautiful there? Of course everyone is excited to be there. Has there ever been a city/country that anyone was not excited to be in? I don't think anyone's ever said, "I really wish we were somewhere else, I don't like it here at all." Jef then throws in the ever-popular phrase "Croatia is the perfect place to fall in love." How many times has that line been used? Just substitute any city or country that the bachelors or bachelorettes have visited, because it is said at least once or twice each season. Can we just say that "everywhere" is the perfect place to fall in love?

The first one-on-one date goes to Travis, because as we all can see, there's pretty much nothing romantic going on between them. Emily is taking him on a walk through Dubrovnik. She points out another "local love legend". So far we've seen the Love Clock and the Moon Gate. In Croatia, it's the Balancing Stone. This legend says that one must balance on the rock and remove their jacket or shirt. If they are successful, they will be lucky in love. Not surprisingly, Travis has a bit of trouble. It takes him many attempts to balance, and he doesn't remove his jacket or it's more than obvious what's going to happen to him at the end of the night, right? As if this isn't enough, he says about the date: "This is a 10 on a scale of 8." Yep, that's what he said...I rewound it several times. What scale only goes to 8?

At the end of the date, Emily comments about their friendship connection, so you know the end is near for the guy who brought an egg, named Shelley, the first time he met Emily. No one is surprised that he doesn't get the rose, except for Travis, that is. He cries and says "Rejection does suck, with a capital S-U-C-K". So long, Travis. If it's any consolation, you never stood a chance.

Back at the house, Ryan is as confident as ever. He says he sees himself "as an absolute frontrunner." He goes even further to say "I mean, I can jump into a romantic connection with her. I can manipulate the situation, you know, I can go get the girl. I know how to get the girl. That may come off as somewhat arrogant, but it's just me being truthful." Wow. The only word I needed to hear was "manipulate"...that says it all.

The Glass House, Ep. 1 (Series Premiere)

Here we go, the very first episode of The Glass House! Much has been said about the obvious and not-so-subtle comparisons to Big Brother. CBS tried to ban the show, citing the apparent copying of their own show, but the courts allowed ABC to go forward with The Glass House. The ratings for the first episode were less than stellar, so CBS may not have to worry about much competition. Part of the problem, I think, was that because of the on-going court battle, I don't think ABC was allowed to promote the show, seeing as it may never actually be allowed to I don't think many people actually knew what it was or when it was airing.  Hopefully, the show will gain some buzz and more people will give it a try.  My overall thoughts on the first episode were that it did start a bit slow, but I think the show has a lot of potential, and it could find a place separate from Big Brother.  So, let's get into it already!  Here's what you need to know:

Show Format:  14 contestants are placed in a (you guessed it) glass house. Each week, a competition is held. The losing team's captain plus one other team member will be expelled into limbo (gotta love the terminology). At that point it is up to the viewing audience's vote as to who goes home. The audience can also vote on competitions and other things for the houseguests to do. This is the biggest difference from Big Brother; contestants aren't just playing against each other, they are also trying to win over America. The last person standing will win $250,000.

Meet the Houseguests:
Alex - 25, bail bondsman from Dallas, TX
Andrea-31 bookkeeper from Valencia, CA
Apollo-28 poet/author from Phoenix, AZ
Ashley-30 paralegal from New Orleans, LA
Erica-27 cocktail waitress from Denver, CO
Gene-28 stuntman from Chicago, IL
Holly-21 retail sales from Detroit, MI
Jacob-28 cookfrom Coos Bay, OR
Jeffrey-35 receptionist from Brooklyn, NY
Joy-27 nurse from Fredericksburg, VA
Kevin-33 police sergeant from Toledo, OH
Mike-48 bar mitzvah dj from Pembroke, MA
Robin-43 blogger from Washington, DC
Stephanie-32 scientist from Boston, MA

Notable Opening Quotes:
Alex: "I'm primetime 99 Alex Stein." - That alone suggests we have a real winner here.
Apollo: "Wow the house is made of glass, I never would have guessed."
Gene: "I'm 6'7" about 340 of just huge awesomeness."
Erica: "The stakes are very least for me, because I am broke as a joke."
Jacob: "The viewers are definitely looking for someone like me. They're looking for a funny, goofy personality with really good looks and a good body, so how could you beat that?"
Jeffrey: "I'm bold, I'm beautiful. I consider myself 'fat hot'" so I mean, I'm holding down the like hot, fat, gay guy thing too, pretty good I think." - Wow "fat hot?" that's quite the oxymoron.
Mike...I'm 48. I'm gonna be dead in a couple years! This is my last big harrah in life." - Oh, and "harrah" with his accent comes out as "harar".

So, what happened this episode?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Welcome to Lori & Sharon's Reality Blog!

It's no secret that we (Lori and Sharon) LOVE reality shows. No one is more committed to watching and analyzing every episode. It was suggested by a co-worker that we should have our own blog to talk about our shows, it is!

If you miss an episode or two and need to get caught up, or you just want to know our funny thoughts and predictions, then just stop by...we'll be more than happy to fill you in!

From time to time we'll also have some fun polls to see what everyone else thinks, so be sure to check the Polls tab above. And to make sure you don't miss the first episode of a new season, check out the Countdown tab to see when your favorite show is starting up again.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and we're happy to help you get a "grip on reality"!

Here's what's coming up:

Lori and Sharon will probably weigh in at some point on the final few Bachelorette episodes. Lori will start analyzing So You Think You Can Dance as soon as the final contestants are chosen (after Vegas). Lori and Sharon will both be keeping up with Big Brother when it starts on July 12 (it's one of our absolute favorites!). Project Runway begins on July 19, so expect Lori to be on top of that competition as well.

There's lots of good stuff coming up, and we can't wait! We hope you will all join in on all the fun with us!

~Lori & Sharon