Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love In The Wild, Ep. 2.3

Love in the Wild isn't one of my all-time favorite reality shows, but I do watch it none-the-less.  It's just one of those guilty-pleasure shows.

My main thought about the season so far is: 'Why does Jenny McCarthy have to be so annoying?'. Seriously. I've always thought that she was annoying, but she's an even more annoying version of herself as the host for this show. Every time they cut to commercial, I try to turn the channel as quickly as possible (and always fail), just to avoid hearing her say "coming up" in a sort of sing-songy, high-pitched way. It's really irritating! It's only 2 words, but it grates on every one of my last nerves...each time! OK, rant over.

On to the contestants. There really aren't any stand-outs for me. The most annoying people are already gone (Shauna and Christian), thank goodness. I don't think any of the guys are super gorgeous, but I would have to say I think Jesse is my favorite. Although, I wasn't too happy with how he treated Tara this week. Ben isn't that attractive, but his British accent and quick wit make him really fun to watch.

So, last week's twist was that all of the guys were going to get to choose another girl (from a new set of girls) to make their duo a trio.

Surprisingly, some of the new girls were making some impressions on the guys and even Ben, who had a very good relationship with Jenny, was looking like it could be over. Most of the "old" girls were annoyed with the "new" girls, and Ali and a couple others decided to "initiate' them by taking all of their towels.

In the challenge, the 3 team members had to be tied together. Long story short, Team Ben, Jenny and Michelle ("Boobs", as Jenny calls her) arrive first and are off to the Oasis.  Team Jesse, Tara and Melissa come in last (after being in 2nd at the beginning of the last leg), so they get the outside tent.

Couples Ceremony:
Ben gets to go first. He gives Jenny the boot (SHOCKER!) and chooses Michelle! Jenny is not happy. Next up, Ken sticks with Yanina (no surprise there). Ryan chooses newby Natalie over Summer (kind of surprising, but she seems to be OK with it). Jason ditches Cina for Vanessa, making a 3rd original girl in trouble. Next, Chase keeps Ali. Finally Jesse decided to send Tara to the Unmatched Area and go with Melissa instead. Jesse had already told Tara that he was looking around, and though she wasn't shocked, she was pretty upset with Jesse and had some choice words for him.

It is then announced that there is going to be a 2nd chance phase. Ben is skipped because he had his choice of anyone at the beginning. Ken keeps Yanina, but Ryan ditches Ali and takes a chance with Jenna instead. Jason stays with Vanessa, but Chase decides to change it up and pick Summer from the Unmatched Area and send Ali there. There was no hiding the fact that Jesse was now very happy because Ali was who he wanted all along. So, when it came to his turn, he sent Melissa packing and saved Ali. All in all, 3 "old" girls and 3 "new" girls were sent home.

Jenny didn't look at Ben as she left, and just said he was an idiot for not picking her because "I'm a catch". Tara said about Jesse, that he was pathetic and that he was going to suck for the rest of his life.

After 3 weeks, 1 couple remains the same: Ken and Yanina.

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