Monday, July 9, 2012

The Glass House, Ep. 4

The episode starts with Jeffrey bawling his eyes out like a blubbering fool! Seriously, get a grip dude. It's the 3rd week, if it's getting to you like this already, you don't stand a chance.

I really wanted to like Kevin: he's a police officer from Ohio, kind of cute...but...he's not coming off so good any more after his turn on Erica, and now his fight with Joy.

Gene makes the announcement to the cameras that one year ago today that his best friend died. Joy can see that he's upset and he tells her why. Ever since the beginning, those two have kind of had a thing, not really sure why. They don't really seem like each other's type...Mike agrees.

We see a scene from a webisode on July 4, where the houseguests talked to America about who they wanted America to send home. Somehow, it all comes back to race again and Joy and Mike get into a huge argument. This house goes off on the hottest topics that have absolutely nothing to do with what's going on. I really would have like to have seen more of that!

The house is split down the middle: half desperately hoping that Erica comes back (Jeffrey, Andrea, Stephanie) and the other half hoping for an upset (Kevin, Mike, Ashley, Joy). America has spoken, and it's bye-bye Debbie Downer, aka Robin.

Time for the Bottom 2 announcement, and this week's team captains are: Ashley and Holly. Poor Ashley, she's in the bottom for the 3rd time. I'm not sure what she has to do to gain some votes. Well, a story about surviving Hurricane Katrina, could do it.

Prior to the challenge, some major strategizing going on. Since Ashley and Holly are both on the same side, they can plan who to put on which team, to force the other team to pick off one of their own. How? They will put the other side on Holly's team. They will try to make Holly's team lose, so that one person from the other side will have to go up against Holly in Limbo. Of course, none of this can work if Holly's team wins.

For Team Ashley, everyone suspects Stephanie of cheating, and she admits in her interview that she feels safe either way, so she didn't really care whether they won or lost, so she didn't go out of her way to help improve the communication during the challenge. I think they all should be right to consider her a threat. Team Holly, definitely not looking as smooth as Team Ashley, so it looks like their plan might work. The winners are: Team Holly! Just like in Big Brother, expect the unexpected. All the stars must align to pull off such a strategic move, and they were a little out of whack for Team Ashley.

Obviously, Kevin has put a target on his back, and Erica would love nothing more than to return the favor to him. Gene proves to be the swing vote yet again. The votes are in: Stephanie gets 4 votes and Kevin gets 5, so Kevin joins Ashley in Limbo. Can Ashley come back yet again? I would say her chances are pretty good because of Kevin's behavior in the last couple episodes. Stephanie may not feel so comfy now, time to decide who's side she's really on, because they're coming for her!

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