Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.3

Tonight's the Veto Competition. Will someone be saved from the chopping block? Frank should have a pretty good shot at winning it. We shall see!

I think Frank is tailor-made for the Big Brother game. He is such a smooth-talker for a newbie. He is an athletic competitor, and he's likeable. That right there is a triple threat. Add to that, Boogie as his coach...look out. Fortunately for the other side, Janelle and Britney are smart as well, and they absolutely see Frank as a threat. Boogie didn't know if they would be smart enough to see that in him, but they totally did. Dan and Boogie have some steep competition. I think they originally thought that as the 2 winners, they would have a cake walk...not so! Dan: “Team Blonde is actually a reality.”

Just when you think Ian can't get any more strange...he shows off his weird talent: he can kick himself in the head. Boogie: “That's my player.” “Hey America, please kick me in the face.” Ha! For the way he acted the first couple of days in the house, Ian should be kicking himself in the face. But good for him, that was the ONLY thing he did this entire episode! Boogie must have had that little talk with him, where he tells him to stop acting like a nut!

Time to pick players for the Veto competition. Willie, Kara and Frank will choose the other 3 players. Willie pulls out Danielle (just what Frank didn't want). Kara picks Shane (another one Frank didn't want). Frank picks Wil. Oh boy...Frank could have a tough time winning this one.

Kara's smart. She's talking up the other Veto players to try to get them to use the Veto on her. Shane of course, wants to keep her around...but he's being a little shady in telling her that he would use it to save her, because guess what...he's telling Frank the same thing.

Boogie has a little sit-down with Britney to see whether or not she's working with Janelle. Basically, he says that if a player is pulled off the block, if one of his or Dan's players is a replacement, he knows what game he's playing. His pick to go up is Joe, who is Janelle's player. Boogie then goes from threatening Britney, to throwing Dan under the bus by trying to get Janelle to work with him. Man, he's really going into over-drive...slow down Boogie! This could backfire so quickly! So what does Janelle do? She runs straight to Dan. I would hope that Dan is smart enough to realize what Boogie is doing. But it looks like Dan may genuinely be thinking that Boogie is trying to screw him over. Personally, I don't think that's what he's doing. He's not stupid. He knows he needs Dan, so, even though it looks like he was trying to make some secret alliances on the other side, I don't buy it. But Janelle was successful, she put the seeds of doubt in Dan's mind, which could help her and Britney.

Veto Competition

Best line, Wil: “Low and behold, I'm left with chump change. Thanks fate.”

Competition is coming down to the wire. Will it be Frank, Shane or Willie? And it's Shane! Now, what's he going to do? Save Kara, save Frank or keep the nominations the same? My bet is that he keeps them the same. It takes a lot of guts to use the Veto, because it can create a target on your back by going against the HOH's nominations. I think it's way too soon to be making a deal so obvious. If Shane goes against Britney's advice and uses the Veto on either Kara or Frank, he's going to have 5 other players upset with him for jumping ship. It's only the first week! You don't want that kind of target on yourself that early.

Veto Meeting
The nominations stand. Shane chooses not to use the Veto. Smart move on his part, I think. Sad, though. I like both Frank and Kara, I don't want to see either of them go. They are the 2 least likely players to be nominated and be voted out in the 1st week. Thanks Willie, for really stirring up the pot in week 1!

Live vote tomorrow night. I've been pretty horrible at predicting things lately, but I'll attempt any way. My guess is that Frank will go because he is too much of a threat.

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