Sunday, July 22, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.5

Episode Synopsis:

Frank Nominates for Eviction: We don't find out this week!
Coaches Challenge Winner: Janelle
Safe Player this Week: Ashley
Have Nots for the Week: Willie, Shane, Ian and Jojo
Expelled: Willie

There's chaos in the house (shocker!): the coaches don't trust each other, even the ones who had a tight alliance just a few days ago. Willie is public enemy #1.

Poor Willie...time to go pout. It's going to be a tough week for Willie.

I just love Boogie and Frank's partnership: they're a hoot!! Definitely Chilltown 2.0. I know a lot of people don't like Boogie, but I just find him so entertaining.

Willie's head is as thick as a ton of bricks. There is no getting through to him. Hmmm...who else does this sound like? Britney tries to get him to see that everything is his fault for the way that he acted, and that he needs to change the way he's playing. He tells her that he came into the house to play as an individual, not as a team. Well, he got his wish, because NO ONE wants to be on Team Willie. It's Willie vs. the House. Good Luck! It's a little too early in the game to be able to save yourself every week by winning the Veto.

Showmance #1 is in bloom: Shane and Danielle

Willie is turning into a plague: no one wants him around, and everyone wants to stay as far away from him as possible.

Showmance #2: Ian and Ashley
Ian wants to have a slop date with! He just happens to mention this to Boogie, and Boogie's reaction was priceless. Every time Ian opens his mouth, Boogie always looks like he has no idea what to say. He just looked flabbergasted. Boogie said that Ian didn't have a chance with someone like Ashley. I'm not surprised that she said yes, because she said that nerdy guys like him are his type. I think they could totally work as a couple. She actually shows interest in what he does.

People are hooking up fast, who's next?

Coaches Competition
90s Hip-Hop—it's lost on Ian because he was 5 at the time, ha! Also, it's apparently lost on Britney too. Frank is a really good host! So entertaining! Time to do the shuffle in some “Hammer” pants to transfer stacks of money on balance beams.

Britney's doing great, and that means the other coaches are in trouble: she may want to unload Willie, the plague, onto another player. Until....she dropped some money and she's out! Team Boogie doing great, he's got Ian on the sidelines assessing his stack's center of mass. It's down to Boogie and Janelle, as Dan is throwing the competition again. Dan wants to keep people thinking that his team is weak (if you can call his 1-person team, a team).

Boogie wins! Oh wait! He stepped off the balance beam BEFORE he hit the buzzer! Oh snap! That means Janelle wins. She can save a player or trade a player. No trade, she's going to save Ashley because she thinks that she is going to need her in the game. Janelle also has to name the Have Nots: Willie, Ian, Jojo and Shane (all of Britney's players +Ian, the volunteer). Willie is fuming after his name is caled! Life is just hard for a Hantz. Poor Willie, what could he have possibly have done to deserve this awful hand that he's been dealt?

The Have Nots this week get a special treat: pork rinds and pudding along with their slop. Yum...not! Ian, couldn't be happier! Strange kid, that one.

Oh boy...Willie's on the loose! Someone uncaged the beast! He's bound and determined to tell everyone to stop blaming the rest of his team for what he did. That was decent of him, BUT it's probably too little too late. Man, he steps into the room, and within seconds, it clears. How does it feel to be playing by yourself, Willie? Not too good, huh? He's all on edge and you can tell he's going to blow at any second!

Ladies and gentlemen:”
In this corner: Willie”
In that corner: Joe”
Fight! Fight! Fight!

And who's going to step in and try to stop it? Ian, yeah right!

It took only 6 words, to send Willie into a tizzy! He took off after Joe, like lightning! They butted up chest to chest like a baseball player and an umpire, and the next thing you know Willie head butts Joe!!! Immediately, he is called into the back room by “Big Brother”. The last time a houseguest was threatened, they were expelled immediately...I'm betting the same happens to Willie. And, yep, that's exactly what happened. Team Britney, are somewhat relieved to have the plague gone, BUT this now puts their team down 1 member, AND the house will probably still associate them with him.

Final thoughts on Willie: it's quite the accomplishment to go from being HOH one week, to the next day being expelled from the house. That's never happened before. Going into the house, he had big shoes to fill: Russell's shoes. He was determined to show his big brother how to win a reality show. Well...he didn't even come close. My bet is that the family is going to kick him to the curb the way that they did Brandon. Brandon actually played the game of Survivor well, and his family was still disappointed with him not winning. What Willie just did, was WAY worse than Brandon simply not winning Survivor. He's now completely embarrassed the family name, and he's proven that he IS just like Russell, even though he said that he wasn't.

We don't get to see the nominations tonight, so we have to wait until Wednesday to find out who Frank puts on the block this week. Should be interesting. The game is very different now that Willie's gone. He was the obvious target for the week. It now seems that the target may shift to Shane. We shall see!  My guess is that Shane and Joe will be nominated.

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