Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bachelor Pad, Ep. 3.6 & 3.7

Sorry I've been gone for a couple weeks, but I'm back! I'll be recapping the last 2 episodes of Bachelor Pad, so here we go!

Episode 3.6

Chris makes the announcement that everyone must now officially compete as couples: vote together and go home together. By default, Rachel and Nick must pair up because everyone else is already coupled up.

Competition: Spelling Bee

They all proved just how dumb they were! Somehow Ed (yes Ed) and Jaclyn make it to the finals against Chris (yes Chris) and Sarah. Wow! And by a complete miracle, Chris and Sarah win, ensuring that they can't be voted out. Yikes! You could have heard a pin drop...everyone was devastated and Blakely started bawling her eyes out.

Chris and Sarah go on a boring date to a lake, while Ed and Jaclyn (the runner-ups) get an overnight date somewhere much more luxurious. Once alone, they have "the talk" about his horrible public rejection of her. To make things worse he tells Jaclyn he was in a relationship before coming on the show and they "broke up" so he could go on the show "single"! He still thinks about this person all the time. What a blow! And, he wasn't done...he said that he thought everyone knew, and that that was one of the first things he and Sarah talked about! To which, Jaclyn rightly replied: "I'm not Sarah." How cruel! I don't really like Jaclyn that much, but I really feel bad for her. For some odd reason, she really liked Ed and was afraid he was going to hurt her...and he did...big time.

Listening to Ed and Jaclyn talk about their relationship is so mind-boggling. All they do is talk around each other. Basically, Ed says he wants to be friends with benefits (emphasis on the benefits) and nothing more. Jaclyn is devastated...but wait...2 seconds later she decides she still wants to be with him because they have chemistry and she likes waking up next to him, so why change things. Seriously Jaclyn? She then says she trusts Ed. I think she just suffered from short-term memory loss, because she must have just forgotten EVERYTHING he has sone to her and EVERYTHING he just said. And off to bed they go...

Then to top things off, they get roses to pass out to save another couple. Just curious, and not that I want Chris and Sarah to have that power, but how do the runner-ups get this power? Anyway, when all is said and done, Blakely and Tony are safe.

Lots of drama before voting (as usual), but it's Lindzi and Kalon who go. Kalon pulls a repeat of last season as he jumps out of his limo at the last second and gets in Lindzi's limo. As they drive away, they share some "I love yous". Gag...

Episode 3.7

Apparently, my DVR cut off the first part of the episode, so where I'm starting from is with Chris and Sarah sending a couple home. I guess they won a challenge, or maybe this was from their win in the Spelling Bee, not really sure. They choose to send Tony and Blakely home. Blakely is crushed. Too bad she had to go before Chris, and how awful that it was him sending her home. Oh well, from what I hear, they are still together and SPOILER ALERT: is proposing to her on the finale.

Challenge: Karaoke

The couples will be singing Night Ranger's "Sister Christian". Please say it isn't so. Ed, the idiot, says the song is on his running mix and is one of his favorites, but yet didn't realize right away that it was actually Night Ranger singing...he thought it was a cover band. Really Ed? Oh dear.

I feel bad for Night Ranger as they are forced to judge the couples, while they absolutely murder their song beyond recognition. I love it that they ask Chris if they can do it, and he says "no, they're going to be terrible". Yep, that's what I'm thinking. I've read the recaps of this episode, and every recap has said that it is the worst torture they've ever heard. Can't wait...hope my ears forgive me.

Surprisingly, during rehearsals, Chris is not worse than Sarah! She is really, really bad! If she auditioned in front of Simon Cowell, I can't imagine what he would compare her to. I don't know how anyone can be that bad. Unfortunately, all of the others aren't much better. Nick and Chris seem to be the best of the bunch, but remember, they have to perform as couples. And you are only as good as your weakest singer. So, whichever weaker partner is the best, that's probably going to be who wins.

Chris, the cheater! He has Sarah write lyrics on his arms! Reading the words off your arm is not going to make you look any better than forgetting the lyrics.

Is there anything worse than their singing? Maybe. The big 80's hair wigs that the guys had to wear are simply dreadful.

Up first: Nick and Rachel. Rachel's raspy voice just doesn't cut it. You would think it would help her, Nick, on the other hand, is actually decent. Of course, tone deaf Ed thinks Rachel can sing and that Nick can't. Go figure. The performance as a whole was bad, but not horrendous. They worked the stage and at least gave it a good try.

Next is Ed and Jaclyn. So embarrassing. They start, and then stop and laugh as they forget the words and start making things up. They beg to start over, but the band just keeps going. Ha! Jaclyn starts gyrating in Ed's face as they both sing about every other word. And Ed says he sings this song all the time...didn't show one bit. I love the looks on the audience's faces...they looked like they were so embarrassed and uncomfortable to be watching them.

And finally Chris and Sarah take the stage. I love Nick making fun of Chris because he was hunched over the microphone because it was too low, and out of this big, deep-voiced guy came this rather high-pitched singing voice that didn't seem to match. And then there's Sarah, singing lower than Chris. The dancing was sad and pathetic. I read a recap that compared her to Elaine's dance on Seinfeld, and it totally was just like that! It looked like she was having a seizure. Ed said she looked like a monkey being electrocuted...ha! The song ends with Chris so obviously reading the lyrics off his arm, which is even more obvious now that he doesn't have his shirt on.

The winners: Nick and Rachel. Not really a tough choice on that one. Now they have the choice of who to bring to the finals to compete against them.

Rachel and Jaclyn are like best friends, so it's obvious who she will want to bring. Nick is close with Chris and thinks they have a better chance of beating them, so that's who he wants. They are on completely different pages, so someone will have to cave. Chris Harrison said after the show aired) that their deliberation took hours to finally come to a decision.

Rachel caved and they send Ed and Jaclyn home. Nick promised her that friendships will still be there after the show. I'm not so sure about that. Jaclyn is pissed and VERY hurt and says that Rachel is dead to her. Rachel is so upset for sending her best friend home and she knows she did the wrong thing and didn't fight hard enough. Nick told her to make the decision for the money. Poor Rachel...I know what happens in the end...and let's just say, that decision comes back to bite her.

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