Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bachelor Pad

Oh my word, this is too funny.  Last week Blakely chooses the overnight date with Tony and they end up in the middle of nowhere and they get to rough it. 
I about died when I saw that little old 5th wheel they were spending the night in, it shouldn't matter the location or what you're doing, you should enjoy the time and be glad someone thinks more of you then they think about themselves. 
I don't give Tony & Blakely high ratings for staying together after the Bachelor Pad is over.  If she knew what was good for her she'd make it work but she seems to be HIGH maintenance.  Good Luck Tony!!

What?? Chris is still alive, can you believe that, surprising!! 
Ed you are such a tool!!  Jaclyn you're not so smart yourself.  I don't think I would be giving anything up to anyone, not even if the guy is HOT.  Sleep on the floor Ed. 
And that's all I have to say about that!

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