Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.12

Veto Winner: Danielle
Veto Results: Wil saved, Janelle put up as replacement nominee.

What an episode this was! Let's get to it!

Danielle and Wil share a mutual crying pity party after she nominated him (after promising him he would be safe). "I'm so sorry to put you up, you're not my target." "It's ok, I don't think I'm cut out for this game. I feel like no one likes me." Wah wah wah

Dan and Janelle realize they need to reel Boogie back in with them because the coaches don't stand a chance unless they all stick together. Dan has a mountain to climb as tall as Mt. Everest to try to win Boogie back as an ally. Boogie doesn't mince words in saying he doesn't trust the coaches because they've done nothing but lie to him.

Ian makes his first move in the game, and tells Britney and Danielle that he wants to join their team. He doesn't want to be in no-man's-land.

Veto players: Danielle picks Shane, Frank picks Jenn and Wil picks Ian. Dan will host.

Boogie knows Frank's on his own because Jenn and Ian "haven't shown much competition prowess".
Britney catches Janelle talking to Frank and gets all bent out of shape, which then also makes Danielle mad. I agree with Dan, one talk isn't the end of the world. It does however, make Dan's plan of uniting all of the coaches look like it's never going to happen.

Veto competition:
Can Shane win another veto? Ian decides to throw it because he doesn't know who he is aligned with and doesn't know what he would do if he won. Unfortunately, Shane scores a 2 which is less than Ian's 3. As loser, he chose a prize, which just so happened to be the veto. He knows he'll never hang on to it. Continuing to "throw it" in the next round, Ian lands on a big 20!

Wil is out in round 2. He trades a veto ticket for the veto. Jenn is out in round 3 and pulls a vacation and decides to keep it.

Ian is out in round 4. His "prize" is called A Dog's Life. He has to sleep outside and people have to walk him on a leash for 24 hours. And sticking with the punishments, he keeps it instead of choosing the veto, a veto ticket or a trip. Boogie doesn't get that choice at all.

Last round: Frank vs Danielle. And Danielle pulls out the win! Frank trades for the veto...big surprise. Danielle then trades the spirit-tard for the veto...big surprise. Bummer for Frank.
Boogie and Frank's last ditch effort to save Frank is convince Danielle, Dan and Britney to try to get Janelle out.

And the punishments are handed out. Frank is basically a cheerleader with a skin-tight leotard on, and Ian gets to wear a dog costume and be walked to the bathroom for potty breaks. Ian is loving it...the other houseguests? Not so much. And poor Boogie. He says he tried to assemble the perfect team: the brains (Ian) and the braun (Frank). As Boogie sits in between his 2 players, Frank is in his leotard and Ian is in his dog costume, Boogie has a priceless look that says "just shoot me now...this just isn't worth it." Lol
As intrue BB fashion, it's time for the newly formed alliance of Dan, Danielle, Shane, Britney and new member Ian to come up with a cool allisnce name. What will it be? In the past, we've had Chilltown (Boogie and Will), The 4 Horseman, The Friendship (renamed The Nerd Herd by Chilltown) and The Brigade.

Drumroll please......The Quack Pack. Wow, that's pretty lame.

Boogie pitches an "Avengers" alliance of strong players: Boogie and Frank, Dan and Danielle, Britney and Shane. Getting Janelle out would be a huge move. Unfortunately, Dan will NEVER go for it because I think he's still clinging to his hope for getting the coaches together.

However...after Janelle and Britney barge in on Dan and Boogie's conversation, it appears there is now a new plan in the works. Boogie said flat out he didn't want to sacrifice Frank, and Janelle did a horrible job lying about whether she would sacrifice either Wil or Joe. Dan finally saw that the coach alliance was not going to work because Janelle could not be trusted. Dan tells Boogie he will talk to the rest of the Pack to try to sell them on going after Janelle.

Boogie may have just pulled off an epic save. He said it himself, he has had to win without the help of challenges, and he proved yet again, that he is the master.

Within a couple hours, the entire game has turned upside down. As the game of Big Brother often boasts "expect the unexpected". A new alliance is now in control..."The Silent Six". Now there's a name! Silent but deadly.

Time for the veto meeting. Some heads should be rolling after this. Danielle chooses to save Wil and Janelle goes up, as expected.

The only question is why didn't they save Frank? That means that nothing is a done deal. From target to pawn, Frank is not safe by any means. Pawns tend to go home. Frank and Boogie better hope that there are no waves between veto night and elimination night.

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