Saturday, August 11, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.13

Evicted: Janelle
HOH: Frank

This episode begins with Janelle in complete shock that she's nominated, and the rest of the house faking that they were just as shocked...pretty funny.
Boogie rightly takes a bow for his unbelievable performance as puppet master. Danielle, his puppet, did exactly what he wanted her to. This is Boogie's house, and they are all just renting time there.

I love Danielle's reasoning for putting Janelle beside Frank: (1) because Janelle hates Frank so it's funny to make her have to sit on the block next to him, and (2) she doesn't want anyone to know she's working with Frank.

Dan kind of needs to work on his lying, saying Danielle acted on girl instincts? You couldn't come up with anything better than that?

Of course at the last minute, someone cracks and decides it might not be the best to vote Janelle out (just like with every vote, to make the viewers wonder who will really go). This week that person is Britney. She has a meltdown and cries because she feels like a bad person for lying to her face. She begins to wonder why they are even voting her out because she wasn't after the coaches. Um Britney: remember week 1 when she left you high and dry?

I'm so glad they showed us some more clips of Ian living the dog's life. I loved seeing Dan make him do a trick for his food.

Ian and Ashley as the real life Leonard and Penny=awesome! I don't know, I think they're kinda cute. I just hope she's not playing him. Wait. What am I saying? There is no way she's smart enough to pull something like that off.

Voting time:
Boogie votes Janelle...dedicated to Will and Erin (Dr. Will's wife) ha! Shoutout to Chilltown, holla!
Jenn votes Janelle
Joe votes Frank
Wil votes Janelle (liar! Ha!)
Ashley votes Janelle (what unloyal team members Janelle chose)
Britney votes Janelle
Shane votes Janelle
Dan votes Janelle
Ian votes Janelle

Poor Janelle, each time she plays, the worse she does. Hopefully this is it for her. From what I've read, America doesn't really like her any more. I would have to agree, each time she plays, I like her less.

I LOVED Boogie's goodbye message! Hilarious! Janelle didn't find it so funny.

HOH Competition: head to head matchups

Obviously the biggest mistake in this competition was when Wil beat Jenn in round 1. He chose Joe and Boogie to face off. His best move would have been to put Boogie and Frank against each other to avoid having both of them left to fight for HOH. But what does Wilma do? He chooses Boogie and Joe. Watch as this move will come back to bite him.

Whoa, Boogie throws it to Frank by buzzing before hearing anything...ha!

Finally it comes down to 2 members from the Silent Six, Frank beats out Britney!

So who will the target be this week? Wil? Joe? I'm guessing it won't be Ashley or Jenn. The Silent Six have an great advantage with the numbers in their favor: 6 to 4. Not to mention Joe, Wil, Ashley and Jenn are BY FAR the WEAKEST players. They don't stand a chance! That's what I love about Big Brother: a great allisnce of the best, most fun to watch players, picking off the floaters with no game, one by one.

Looks like Joe is the odd man out of that group, for choosing to stick by Janelle. That doesn't bode well for him. But oh wait, in his goodbye message to Janelle he vowed to take revenge on the house and go after those who took out Janelle. Now them's fightin' words! He'd have to be the best player ever to crack his way into the Silent Six. And since their name is "six" I don't think legally they can take in another member. Sorry Joe.

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