Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 9.10

And, we're back after a 2-week hiatus so we could watch the Olympics. I would like to say "Thank you" on behalf of all Olympics addicts. It was great to not have to worry about missing an episode, or spend even later nights trying to stay caught up.

Unfortunately, because we missed a couple weeks, 4 people will go home tonight.

Tonight, they're doing something new. They are featuring previously danced routines from other seasons, that were all choreographed by Mia Michaels. 3 words: "bed", "bench" and "door". I can't wait! Those were awesome dances, and I can't wait to see someone new dancing them to see if they can even compare to the original.

Cyrus and Eliana: "The Door" routine, previously danced by Twitch and Katie in Season 4.
Whoa! Hot kiss!!! I love this partnership. Cyrus is freakin' amazing. Loved this dance the first time. LOVE it this time just as good, if not better! AWESOME!!

George and Tiffany: "The Hometown Glory" routine, previously danced by Joshua and Katie in Season 4.
I don't really remember this routine, other than the running step. Good dancing, but I just don't feel a connection with these 2 like I do with some of the others. It was good, but nothing that blew me away. At the end of the day, I don't remember them or the routine.

Will and Amelia: "The Butt Dance" routine, previously danced by Evan and Randy in Season 5.
I remember this being a very strange, yet intriguing dance, which should be right up Will and Amelia's alley. Let's just say, Randy pulled it off much better, and was easier to watch doing all the booty-shaking. Just can't get into this any dance. They brought nothing new. Please go away now. I will say it was nice to see Amelia's hair teased a bit and not in the same 20's style she always wears.

Dareian and Janelle: "The Bed" routine, previously danced by Twitch and Kherington in Season 4.
Although I think I'd rather see someone like Matthew and Audrey or Cyrus and Eliana do this routine, it's definitely been a favorite, so I'm sure it's going to be awesome again. They show a lot of powerful emotion, and do a great job. Not as good as the original, but still very good. There isn't as much dancing in this dance, so the passion needs to be even stronger. It just wasn't as intense as Twitch and Kherington.

Matthew and Audrey: "The Time" routine (about Mia's father), previously danced by Neil and Lacey in Season 3.
I remember how incredible Neil was in this routine. The only thing bad about the routine is the music...hate the song. I definitely didn't get the same emotional reaction as I did the first time around. It was good, but not great, the original was better. I think the judges were way harsh. They could be in trouble if they are in the bottom 6.

Cheon and Witney: "The Bench " routine, previously danced by Heidi and Travis in Season 2.
This quite possibly could be my all-time favorite SYTYCD routine. I fell in love with Travis and in this routine, I remember the kind of surprising moment when he slinks down the bench, and when he was on top of the bench snd she was underneath and they touched hands...I remember getting goosebumps. I also remember just being glued to the dancers and not bring able to tske my eyes off of them. It will be extremely difficult to even come close to being better than the original. I really don't think anyone could. It was good. It was very good, but you just can't touch the original. This came kind of close though.

Cole and Lindsey: "The Addiction" routine, previously danced by Kapono and Kayla in Season 5.
Oh how I loved this routine in Season 5!! Kapono and Kayla were amazing, and I remember they danced with so much passion, it was almost hard to watch, but that's what this dance was supposed to be about. As soon as I saw their outfits, I knew which routine it was going to be...that's how much the routine stuck with me. I don't think Cole matched Kapono's intensity. Kapono was almost satanic , and he was almost creepy, and it gave me chills. Didn't get that this time, but it was still outstanding, so that's saying a lot of the original. Cole played the part more lifeless and stoic, like a zombie, and I think that worked for him. Lindsey captured the emotion of her part so well, but I think Kayla still had the edge.

Bottom 3 Girls: Amelia, Janelle, Lindsey
Bottom 3 Guys: George, Dareian, Matthew

All 6 are asked to dance again, before we find out which 4 dancers will be going home, and will not be on the tour.

Going home: Janelle and Amelia, Matthew and Dareian

I am so sad they saved George! I would have taken Dareian or Matthew any day! I was afraid the judge's feelings about Matthew's dance tonight could hurt him. I thought both his and Dareian's solos were much better than George.

I am also sad to see Janelle go. But I'm so glad Amelia went home. I like Lindsey, so I'm hlad she stayed.

The Top 10: Cyrus, Will, Cheon, Cole, George, Witney, Audrey, Tiffany, Eliana, Lindsey

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