Thursday, August 23, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.18

Evicted houseguest #1: Boogie
HOH: Ian
Nominated: Frank and Ashley
POV: Frank, replaced on the block by Joe
Evicted houseguest #2: Ashley

Double eviction tonight! Look out, it's going to be chaos! Eviction, HOH, nominations, POV and eviction..anything can happen!

I really hope Jenn blows it for herself and gets sent packing! It's going to be tough for Boogie because he is totally being fooled by Ian.

But wait...Ian just about blew up the entire thing right in front of Boogie! He said it was going to be tough to choose between teammates. I thought Boogie was going to have a heart attack! Ian just barely covered his tracks by saying he is voting for Boogie to stay, but it's tough to vote for Jenn because she was on the original "Boogie" team.

And just as I thought, Jenn is flying off the handle! Who knew she could talk so much! We've seen her talk more in the first 10 minutes, than the rest of the season combined! And what is so funny, is she didn't have anything to worry about...until she opened her mouth.

Ashley votes Jenn
Britney votes Boogie
Joe votes Boogie
Frank votes Jenn
Dan votes Boogie
Ian votes Boogie
Danielle votes Boogie

Boogie is evicted by a vote of 5-2 and 1 eviction shy of the jury.

In his goodbye, Ian basically outed himself to a confused Boogie. Boogie then whispered to Frank that Ian is not to be trusted. If he would have kept his mouth shut, Frank might not have known about Ian. This could be bad for the Quack Pack.

Then in the video messages, Ian spills the beans about EVERYTHING including his alliance, the Quack Pack! Boogie is absolutely flabbergasted, as Ian reveals that he was the mole and that he had a hand in his coach's demise. Boogie handled it gracefully as he tipped his hat to Ian. I loved his reaction to he alliance name!

HOH: Before or After
In a moment of last minute hesitation, Frank changes his answer...and it's wrong!
Final 2: Ian and Danielle-2 members of the Quack Pack!
Winner: Ian!

Bye-bye Frank...his one and only chance of making it out of this alive is to win the POV.

Nominations: Ian puts up Frank (no surprise) and Ashley (his girlfriend?). Ashley kind of surprised me, I was guessing he'd pick Jenn.

Veto Competition: "Somewhere Over The Veto"
Ian found the first clover, but he came back with one clover, then the 2nd and then the veto symbol. Winner: Frank! This man is unstoppable! I wonder who the replacement nominee will be...Jenn or Joe. And who will go? Hmm

Shocker...Frank chooses to save himself. Ian then tells Joe to "pop a squat." I'm noticing a bit of a change in Ian tonight. He's talking with a lot of conviction and just a bit of attitude.

The Vote:
Ashley's speech was absolutely ridiculous...she made no sense. She talked about not being articulate (no kidding), and then continued to stumble all over her words until Julie finally just cut her off. She looked and sounded so sad; she just couldn't believe that Ian turned on her. And then Joe's speech...oh my...his speech was done in mime! Normally the screamer, Joe remained silent...his best move!

Jenn votes Ashley
Shane votes Ashley
Britney votes Ashley
Frank votes Joe
Danielle votes Ashley
Dan votes Ashley

With a vote of 5-1, the space cadet, Ashley is going home. Finally! She was really getting on my nerves. Unfortunately, she made the jury so we will have to see her once a week.

Frank is fuming as he huffs and puffs around the kitchen. He was so out of breath after veto, but why was he still out of breath after the vote. He was like gasping for air!

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