Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Brother

I think this season is really good!  Can you say DRAMA? 
Ian you want to make a BIG move and get Boogie Booted, fine but be careful because you'll reap the consequences and it won't be too pretty.  ha ha....  Ian you should not have said a word to Boogie before he left the house, you know he was gonna tell Frank, DUH!!!  Now you're getting raked over the hot bed of coals that you're laying in right now. 
I can't believe Dan didn't explode when Boogie and Frank kept badgering him and blaming him for the nominations.  WOW!!
Brittany, shut up, let Frank rant and rave, Ian deserved it!  Ian you could have went all the way w/ Frank and Boogie, but just like a spoiled little child you had to do something to get your way and make yourself feel big.  And you got your gal pal voted out of the house, what is up with that?  Ian grow a brain, one that has some common sense, not just nerd sense. 
Brittany and Danielle, this is Big Brother, not little sister cry fest.  Stop the crying, a little crying is ok, but to cry and cry and cry and cry....way too much!  At least that's all we get to see through editing.
Frank is the man, he keeps winning!!  Good for Frank, he is a beast!!
If they do decide to vote off Brittany good, then Shane can think for himeself.
This whole thing with the coaches going into the game ruined it for the regular contestants.  Coaches, what were you thinking?  Oh, I could win more money!  Well....you're getting voted off, duh!! 
That's all I've got to say for now!


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who is getting tire of the host?? I think she wears hair extensions, the one time when she wore it on the side in a pony tail it looked alive!
Sorry back to the show, is Joe still playing the game, he has changed so much, sometimes I forget he is there until I see him-his game plan must be to ride someones coat tail.

Lori Showalter said...

Ummm..no! You are not the only one to be tired of the Chenbot! There's been talk for years about needing a new host, but CBS won't listen.

I've been really impressed with Joe lately. He's been laying low and under the radar and he's keeping the target off his back. I think if he does that for awhile and then starts winning some competitions and making some moves he has a good chance of making it to the end. I still don't think he can win, but if they can somehow get Frank, Dan and Shane out, he might have a chance.