Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.9

Anyone else notice that every time Britney talks to another player, she is eating?

Joe is quite the hot-head. His face is turning 50 shades of red! If he can't keep his cool and be nice, he's going to blow it for himself. He did pretty good at first putting on a happy face with Shane, but after a few minutes he starts to lose it...exactly what Janelle told him NOT to do.

Time to draw names for Veto: Shane draws Danielle, Ashley draws houseguest choice and picks Wil and Joe draws Frank! "Apreesh!" The ONLY one he didn't want! It's gonna be 3 on 3. Jenn will host.

The challenge: Keep 2 balls on opposite sides rolling up and down a we go! Who can be fast and steady? Not Wil or Joe...they are out quickly! How did Ashley beat them? And now Frank and Danielle! Shane: don't let that ditz beat you! And it's Shane!!!! Veto win #3 in a row! Watch out: Joe could blow a gasket!

Britney is a riot! She does the best impressions! Her "Joe" was spot-on.

Janelle: way to state, and then repeat and repeat the obvious...yes, Frank is a threat...we get it. BUT, he could also be a really good ally.

Here's a first: Janelle gives Britney her wedding ring for 3 weeks. If she goes back on her word, they can keep it! Wow, she's really playing hardcore.

Joe lays it on the line to Shane. He basically pledges his unwavering and complete devotion to Shane if he saves his life, as he's dangling on the edge of a cliff. He says he's even willing to go against his own team. I don't know if Shane can trust him or not. He's pretty desperate, so I think he'd say just about anything.

Oh dear, it's Wil's birthday and he's practically wearing his birthday suit. Seriously Wil, put some clothes on! We don't need to see that.

Panic sets in when Britney talks to Ian. Shane is now thinking it would be good to backdoor Frank. But, Frank makes an interesting suggestion to put up Ian as a wake-up call to him that he needs to start playing the game.

Again, I have no idea what Shane is going to do.

Interesting speech by Joe: the President uses the veto in the President and use your power. All the houseguests were all trying to hide their smiles and giggles.

And Shane saves Ashley! The replacement nominee is Frank. Yikes! Joe must go! Boogie's pretty shocked, so Shane and Britney better watch out. I hope they know what they're doing.

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