Sunday, September 16, 2012

X Factor, Ep. 2.2: Auditions

Johnny Maxwell-another original song. It's not too bad of a song. He has an ok voice, but I don't think he's that good. I think he moved around too much and he got out of breath and that made him off pitch at some parts.

Lexa Berman-yikes! Can you say diva? haha...the judges didn't buy what she was selling!

Jason Brock-oh my...I'm scared! This guy can't be good...please! Oh no...he's got a decent voice! His personlity is just too much for me, sorry.

Patrick Ford-creepy! If I was Britney, I would get a restraining order. She looked scared, and I think she should be. Wow, did he murdered her song!

Carly Rose Sonnenclar-so cute! Whoa! This girl has got something special! Holy crap! A 13-year-old should not be able to sing that good! Totally got goosebumps! And the stage presence! She even got a standing-o from Simon!

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