Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Survivor, Ep. 25.2

Rain, rain and more rain. It's gotta suck!

And hidden immunity idol #1 goes to Penner! Smart observation of the clue and figuring it out.
I didn't know he was that smart.

Rule #1 in Survivor: don't get caught partnering up! Of course, I peg Malcolm as a favorite last week, and this week he's caught cuddling with Angie, which makes them instant targets.

I wish Tandang would leave Lisa alone! They have her all wrong. I hope their tribe doesn't lose so she has some more time to try to connect with them.

It seems like each tribe has someone who's having a meltdown. Lisa is having a moment on Tandang. On Matsing, it's Roxy.  Who's gonna crack on Kalabaw?

I'm really starting to worry about Skupin. He is seriously going to be leaving in a body bag this time if he doesn't start being more careful. You would think that a player who was coming back because the first time they played, they had to leave because of an INJURY, that you would be just a little more careful not to kill yourself. His tribe color is yellow not red, but he seems to insist on adorning his body with red...and not with paint.

Challenge: reward and immunity

I like that they are actually showing the tribes strategize before the challenge.

Matsing really needs to get their act together. Russell has been a key factor in them losing. If they are keeping him to help with physical challenges: IT ISN'T WORKING! He is obviously a terrible leader, and he's an even worse leader when he thinks he's being a follower, when actually, he's still "leading".

Thanks to Malcolm, he single-handedly got Matsing back in the game, but it still wasn't enough.

With Lisa's excellent puzzle calling, Tandang came in first, which means Lisa will be safe. And, surprise, surprise, Matsing loses again. They will now be down 2 people! Russell's little speech after their loss isn't going to win him any friends. The only thing that he has going for him is that the tribe wants to break up the "couple".

Tribal Council

OMG! Jeff asks if you could change one thing about the tribe. Angie's answer? "Cookies." Jeff's face was priceless! And what's even worse? She didn't even seem to think there was anything wrong with her answer, even after Jeff and the whole tribe laughed at her.

Great quote from Roxy. She said from day one, Angie was a booby trap. Now THAT is a good one!! Lol She's not doing much to help herself right now. It is a tough choice between Angie and Roxie, but I still think Russell's name should be in the mix. He's bringing you down!

The tribe has spoken, and Roxy is sent packing! I really thought it was going to be Angie. Hopefully that was a wake-up call for the canoodlers.


Unknown said...

Out of the newly formed relationship of Malcom and Angie comes the importal words from Malcom..."Don't get booty blinded!"
Still hoping Lisa can hang in there, tonight we learned she is shy and has a hard time contecting with people, I would have never guessed that.Let's hope her tribe can keep winning challenges.
On that note thanks to Angie I'm craving cookies. (ok, who thinks they're real?) :)

Lori Showalter said...

Lol I agree with all of the above! Oh and yes, the booty blinded quote! Yes, that was a classic!