Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 9.14

This week is the last performance show of the season. Next week we will know the winners!

I've decided this week that I'm not going to critique each of the dancers/dances. At this point, I just don't see the point. All of the dancers left are very, very good, and there is no chance that someone is going to have a complete meltdown, so basically it's going to come down to popularity.

My picks for the winners are: Cyrus and Eliana.

I'm pretty sure Cyrus will win for the guys (at least I hope). Chehon may be technically better at many dance styles, but he doesn't have the connection with the audience or the likeability factor. I think Cyrus has done enough technically in each of the styles (which are so far from what he does), to totally deserve to be there. He's very deserving of the top prize.

I am a little torn with the girls. I think Eliana has stood out more than Tiffany, and has gotten much more praise from the judges (hahem...Nigel). However, Eliana has found herself in the bottom, while Tiffany has not. Apparently, Tiffany has managed to connect with the audience more than Eliana has (at least up to this point.) So really, I think the girls could go either way.

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