Sunday, September 16, 2012

American Idol Judges, Season 12-It's Official!

Today, we can now put to rest all of the rumors and speculation as to who will make up Season 12 judging panel. The names were officially released today:

Randy Jackson--unfortunately, in the final hour, he was put back on the panel. It was rumored that he was going to take a step back and transition into a mentoring role. It was only when the deal fell through with Enrique Iglesias, that they decided to put Randy back as a judge (are you freaking kidding me? Enrique would have been awesome!). I'm bummed! I really thought we were rid of him finally! He's pretty much useless.

Mariah Carey--I don't really know what to expect from her. We already know that she's a diva, and she will be bringing in the biggest paycheck (by a lot!).  With her experience in the industry, you would think she would offer some great insight, but only time will tell. It will be interesting to see how she interacts with Nicki Minaj, since Mariah was "promised" that she would be the only female on the panel.

Nicki Minaj--my only reaction is "Really? Really?" I don't think she's a good singer. I don't think she has enough experience in the industry (I don't care how "popular" she is right now). She might have a big personality and bizarre fashion style that might bring in the ratings, but the show is supposed to be about the singers, not the judges.

Keith Urban--It will be interesting to see what a Country perspective adds to the show. I think he should do very well as a judge...probably better than Mariah, and 100 times better than Nicki. He does have some experience as a judge, he was a judge on his native Australian version of The Voice. And, he'll be nice to look at :)

All I can say is that it will be interesting, and we'll just hope for the best!

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