Saturday, September 8, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 9.12 & 9.13

Episode 9.12

Witney & Twitch: Hip-Hop
I'm always so amazed when I see someone who's normal style is something like ballroom, and they come out and do something like hip-hop like she just did! She was definitely hitting it hard!

Cole & Allison: Contemporary/Jazz?
Another dark piece for Cole. It seems like he's always playing a creepy villainous character lately. Oh well...he's so much fun to watch! He's just so good at everything!

Eliana & Ryan: Quickstep
This is such a hard dance, and she nailed it! She didn't miss a step. Those flips at the end were crazy! I've never seen anything like that.

Lindsay & Alex: Jazz
Great choreographer: Sonja. Great song: Gotye-Somebody I Used To Know. So of course this routine is going to be awesome! Loved it!

Will & Lauren: Hip-Hop
It's so nice to Will doing something different for a change. Without Amelia as his partner, he's a little better than I've been giving him credit for.

Cyrus & Melanie: Jazz
Cyrus is just awesome! I don't care what anyone says, I think he just kills every style! Those plaid pants are something else! Totally gives him a different look.

Chehon & Anya: Argentine Tango
Really boring music for a tango. It's putting me to sleep. Oh wait...that was a great over-his-head spin lift! Still, overall, it was pretty boring. Not sure why everyone was so spell-bound by it. Mary even put him on the train?

Tiffany & Ade: Contemporary
That girl has some major abs! Major Celine song, major lifts...the whole routine was major!

Bottom 2 Girls: Lindsay and Witney (why doesn't America like the blonde ballroom dancers? So sad it comes down to the best friends again.)
Bottom 2 Guys: Will and Cole (I don't know how Cole could be in the bottom!)

Going home: Will and Lindsay

Episode 9.13

Tiffany & Benji: Jive
Welcome back Benji! So much energy in this's so much fun! Again, it helps to have a great song. It really does make a difference. Just like American Idol, song choice is important! And you can't forget the famous Benji cartwheels! Absolutely fabulous routine!

Cole & Melanie: Contemporary
Another great Sonja number, and Cole is just amazing. Melanie even lifted him! And a crazy flip at the end!

Eliana & Twitch: Hip-Hop
Did not expect this old "Postman" song! Ok now, it's getting jazzed up. Such a different, interesting routine. I like it though. You can't go wrong with Twitch.

Chehon & Katherine: Contemporary
Such an emotional piece! You could actually feel his pain. Wow. Painful, powerful and beautiful at the same time.

Witney & Marko: Lyrical Jazz
I can't say anything other than this was another great routine. Great storytelling and it was just beautiful.

Cyrus & Comfort: Hip-Hop Dubstep
This should be amazing! I just can't take my eyes off them! So many intricate tuts! Lots of animation too. Just an absolutely amazing routine. I just love him!

Chehon & Witney: Cha-Cha
Chehon is holding his own, but Witney is a firecracker. Definitely not up to the level of so many of the other routines tonight. This could put Chehon in trouble if he is in the bottom.

Cole & Eliana: Contemporary
Fighting rams...should be interesting. And it is interesting. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that. Again, so much power and emotion. That silent scream so powerful that they were just shaking. Wow.

Cyrus & Tiffany: Broadway
Ugh! I just love him! Have I mentioned that? I loved the use of the tie to pull her to him. I thought he played the character well. It just adds to his fabulous dancing. Tiffany, of course, is wonderful as well. The girl is usually the focus, but I couldn't take my eyes off him.

It is going to be so hard to see any of these dancers go, because they are all so amazing.

Top 2 Girls: Tiffany and Eliana
Top 2 Guys: Chehon and Cyrus

Going home: Witney and Cole

I'm so glad Cyrus made it, but I'm so sad Cole didn't. Personally, I think Cole is so much more of a complete dancer. If America got to vote after this week, Chehon would not have made it. If the judges got to choose, Chehon would not have made it. America got that one wrong.

Finale is next week. It's anyone's game!

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