Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Voice, Ep. 3.5: Blind Auditions

Collin McLoughlin-Holy crap! This guy is really, really, really good! It didn't take the judges long to turn around. I'd say he made a good choice dropping out of school! Again Christina decides to sit out on a good talent to let the boys fight over him. And he's 2 for 2 with good decisions as he chooses Adam! Woohoo!

Joselyn Rivera-what a pretty girl. I think she's good, but the performance seemed a little bit weak. Even though it was a powerful song, it seemed like there could have been more. Not a surprise, she chose Christina over Blake.

Benji-he does not look like that should be his voice! It is so different! But I like it! He is very unique, and I think he's really got something special. Kind of a strange scream at the end, though. And Adam picks up another steal! Seriously, Adam is putting together one heck of a team again this season!

Lorraine Ferro-wow, could she be any more annoying? Geez, take a chill pill lady. I really, really, really hope no one turns around. She has way too much rasp in her voice...doesn't really work for me. Thank you judges for not turning around.

Mycle Wastman-he does not look 40! He has a really smooth voice. And like he said, he really doesn't sound anything like he looks. He's got quite a range. And AGAIN Christina is the only one to not turn around. I guess it's because he's a guy. Heaven forbid she have a guy on her team.

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