Friday, September 7, 2012

Big Brother, Ep. 14.19-14.21

Sorry it's been a long 2 weeks, so let's catch up. Here's my recap for episodes 14.19, 14.20 and 14.21.

Episode 14.19

First we go behind the scenes of the crazy and chaotic double eviction.

Next up is the HOH competition. Head-to-head competitions of moving balls up a game board by controlling it on a bard with some ropes. Frank scored the lowest in the ranking round so he had the most people to go up against. One by one, he picked them ALL off! He did it like it was nothing! As winner, Frank chooses Dan to be the sole have-not for the week. Surprisingly, Dan has NEVER in either season he's played, been a have-not!

Now, lucky Frank gets a Pandora's Box! If he chooses to win money, he will unleash something on the house. He chooses the money. He gets to choose 3 boxes: $1.05, $7.11 and $3333.33.

For the house: out in the yard, the rest of the house get to search for a 2nd veto. They need $.50 to use in the arcade. Balls start raining from the sky, some with money, some without. Dan gets the first shot and misses, and then he stupidly lied saying he got the veto. Fighting over the coins starts to get brutal, especially when Dan pushes Britney out of the way and shuts her out of the room. He was being a real jerk! But the winner is: Ian!

Nominations: Frank is obviously targetting Dan. His first choice was to put up Danielle with him. But Ian could choose to save Dan and Ian just about talks his way onto the chopping block so he would be forced to save himself. In the end, it's Dan and Danielle who go up on the block.

Episode 14.20

Veto Competition: before the competition, Jenn thinks she's making a big move by choosing to align herself with Frank (umm...weren't they already on the same team...Boogie's team?). Yeah, that's a big move all right. The competition is Draw Something. As Ian reads the rules, he says that no one is allowed to talk to anyone else. For some reason this stands out to me, and I think it will be a factor somehow.

The players have to guess what viewers at home are trying to draw. Along with their guesses, they have to perform punishments in order to earn points. Punishments include: taking an avocado bath, eating disgusting food, spend 24 hours shackled to another person, chum shower over and over for 24 hours, wear carrot costume for a week, sit out of the next HOH, allow other houseguests to splatter paint on you, 24 hour solitary dance party, and eat slop for the rest of the summer.

Frank of course, is blowing everyone away, and has had to do some pretty bad things. Dan was supposed to throw the comp so Britney or Shane could win. He, unfortunately, was not throwing it. PLUS! There it is! Frank whispers "summer" to Britney because she didn't know the answer! He's out baby, out baby, out! All of those punishments, and he doesn't get the veto. It doesn't get much worse than that! Oh wait, it does...Dan is now in the lead! Last drawing, Jenn guesses right, and chooses to be on slop for the rest of the summer, snd she wins! Holy crap!

Dan enters solitary confinement and he has 24 hours to figure out a way out of his mess. He emerges like a zombie. There is something wrong with him. He says he wants to talk to everyone. As they gather, he is in tears as he welcomes them to his funeral. He addresses each person and he gets them all crying...even Shane and Ian. What a performance he's giving! To Frank he says he wants to appologize one-on-one later. But the bomb hits Danielle. He tells her she has done something unforgiveable and that she is dead to him in the game! What?!?!?!? Danielle is flabbergasted and devastated! She was crying and shaking uncontrolably.

Now for his next performance and betrayal. He lets open the flood gates and he completely spills the beans about the Quack Pack and Ian's part in the whole thing. He totally threw him under the bus. BUT, Dan says Britney is the threat, who is running the show and controlling Ian. He tells Frank all of this to earn his trust. He has made the rest of the house mad at him and no one would expect that they would be working together. Just like perfect clockwork, Frank says he's pretty sure he can get Jenn to use the veto on him, and instead, he would put up Britney. Dan might just be the best player in history! Even Dr. Will didn't come up with an elaborate web of lies like this.

Then Dan does damage control with Danielle and tells her that he was completely messing with her emotions to help her get further in the game. Now everyone has sympathy for her and will not vote her out. Genious! Needless to say, she was pretty mad at him...this is the same thing he has done to her once already this season, except this was worse. Dan's lucky she's so loyal.

Veto Meeting: Ian chooses not to use his veto, but Jenn makes the bold move and SAVES DAN!!! And, Britney, like a sitting duck gets put on the block with no way of getting herself off. Frank says he would have put Ian up, but since he won veto, he is putting up his closest ally...using Ian's words, he tells Britney to "pop a squat". Poetic justice for Frank.


Britney looks and sounds defeated at this point. She pretty much knows she's done.

Ian goes up to the HOH room and blows up! He and Frank start screaming at each other. Quite a different side of Ian than we've seen.

Shane just had the best quote: "Where did Jenn come from?" And even better than the quote was his face...that was priceless. A valid question though...who knew she has been here all summer?

BB flashback: The Brigade! They reconvene to talk about Britney and her game. So funny...they all still all talk all the time!

Vote: 4-1 Britney is evicted, Frank and Dan's plan=executed to perfection.

Britney is a true player. She realizes Dan did what he did because it was part of the game. She might not be happy about it, but she recognizes what an impressive move he made. It's too bad she had to get blindsided again!

Last words from Ian: "I will get that big, hairy, orange beast"...haha!

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