Monday, April 29, 2013

The Voice, Ep. 4.11

The Knockout Rounds begin!

Team Adam

Amber Carrington vs Midas Whale
-Amber looks amazing! She continues to surprise me with her vocals. She needs to work on the lower notes a little though.
-Midas Whale, doing what they do best: taking a song and making it folk/bluegrass. I'm not loving the songs they've done the past couple weeks, I think they have a lot more to offer. Jon was a little off tonight. I'm surprised that neither of them played an instrument...I think that hurt them, because that's who they are, and it's a part of their whole vibe.
Winner: Amber

Amy Whitcomb vs Caroline Glaser
-Amy picked kind of an interesting song, but it could be really amazing. She has a very haunting quality to her voice that lends itself well to the song. I love her grit when she hits those high notes. Crazy good! And just when you think she's hit her limit, she takes it even higher, and with even more power. Wow.
-Caroline on the other hand picked one of my favorite songs: "Little Talks" by Of Monsters And Men...but I don't know if I'm going to love the way she sings it. She needs to work on pronouncing her words better, half the time I couldn't understand what she was saying. I really want to like her, but there's just some kind of annoying quality...not sure what it is. I think she sang fine, but not great. She's going to get eaten alive in this competition if she sticks around.
Winner: Caroline (wrong choice Adam, Amy is MUCH stronger)

Judith Hill vs Orlando Dixon
-Judith--I've never been that big of a fan of hers. I don't know why I don't like her more. She obviously has a great voice, but she's lacking in personality or something for me.
-Orlando picked a great song! I love his voice so much. He was really feeling the song, and I think he did a great job. The ending seemed a bit out of sync or something, but I still prefer him to JudithI hate that he's going up against Judith, because I feel like they've all put her in the finals already.
Winner: Judith

Warren Stone vs Sarah Simmons
-Warren picked a great song, I can't wait to see what he does with this classic rock song. He took a risk with this kind of song, but he really made it his own, and it worked. I love his voice. He is the kind of country artist that not only can I tolerate, but I actually enjoy.
-Sarah has been one of my favorites from the beginning. I love everything she is able to do with her voice. She always starts out so soft and by the end of the song, it's amazing where she takes it.
Winner: Sarah

Team Shakira

Garrett Gardner vs Tawyna Reynolds
-Garrett picked the perfect song for his voice. He sounds and looks amazing tonight! That kid is going places. He's so young to have a voice that good. I love what he did with the ending.
-Tawnya is just too twangy for me. And she picks a song that is been done a gazillion times. I don't think she was that amazing. Since that song has been done so many times, I've heard it done better. I don't think she took the song anywhere, it was pretty flat.
Winner: Garrett (absolute right decision, no doubt about it)

Kris Thomas vs Mary Miranda
-Kris picked an absolutely terrible song. Love his voice, but terrible song. Hate that song! At least he changed it so it didn't sound so much like the boring original. I heard him miss a couple notes, which isn't like him, he's usually spot-on 100% of the time.
-Mary didn't pick a song that represents her very well. She should stick with the Latin/Spanish stuff. Her first notes were very wobbly. She sounded pretty flat for most of the song. The whole thing was just really uncomfortable to listen to. I didn't care for it at all.
Winner: Kris

Karina Iglesias vs Monique Abadie
-Karina is so powerful. I don't think this was her best performance, it just didn't seem like it fit her. I really didn't like her song choice at all, it really kept me from liking the performance.
-Monique has such a cool voice. I just love it. So beautiful and crystal clear.
Winner: Karina

Sasha Allen vs Shawna P.
-Sasha picked "At Last" which has only been done a trillion times. It's not a good song to begin with, and the fact that it's been so overdone, is just ridiculous. The song is just so painful for me because I hate it, but she sounds good, and she didn't oversing it like she tends to do.
-Shawna picked an interesting song. She has such an interesting voice, but her facial expressions and what she does with her hands just really bothers me. It was nice to see her somewhat restrained and not so out of control. Other than being a little too on the boring side, it was good.
Winner: Sasha

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