Wednesday, April 24, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.31 & 12.32

Just a note about this week. In case you aren't aware, the judges save is no longer in play. The judges had until the top 5 to use it, which was last week. Since they didn't use it, there is one "extra" week until the finale. The finale is scheduled for May 16. This means that since the save was not used, the finale would be on May 9. They won't change the finale date, so look for them to spring a "surprise non-elimination" on us either this week or next week. Just so you know...

Song 1: Wow, she sounds amazing on this Celine song. Girl can really sing...not sure why she doesn't get the votes.
My Score: A

Song 2: And, we're back to another boring, old-fashioned ballad. I feel like I say this on every performance except for Angie, but "voice sounds great, but song is awful." I wouldn't even have to watch the show and I could just use that critique for everyone but Angie. Towards the end, it got just a bit too much like a scream instead of singing. (Side note: Nicki TOTALLY called Amber "Angie")
My Score: B-

Song 1: Crappy song choice! Not digging this at all. We all know she can sing, and that she can do a lot of runs, but she's gonna have to make better song choices and pick a more relevant interpretation. It's just boring and dull. It took me most of the song to figure out what song it was. She definitely changed the song, but not in a good way. She needs to do more fun stuff and not such a melancholy feel. I agree with Nicki that she is old fashioned. And I agree with it with the runs. Wow...don't usually agree with the judges.
My Score: B- (A for vocals, C- for horrible song choice, interpretation and overall old-fashioned boringness)

Song 2: Oh my...I really want to put in my ear plugs...I can't stand the same kind of song over and over and over. All I want to know is when will it be over.
My Score: B

Song 1: Another ridiculously bad song choice, but at least she makes it interesting.
My Score: A-

Song 2: More boring, boring, boring...another song over 40 years old. It really bugs me when she looks out the corner of her eye. It's like she can't wait to get off the stage or something. She just doesn't connect with the audience or the song at all, and it really bothers me. I agree with Keith...pick songs that aren't safe and in the middle. Songs like that just don't show a personality.
My Score: B

Song 1: Angie's back at the piano, yay! Classic Angie! She looks amazing, she sounds amazing. In a final 4 of rather boring, predictable singers, there's Angie. She is still my vote to win. I'm glad the judges are behind her.
My Score: A

Song 2: Another song I don't know, and it's not that great. But she's different than the rest...something about her voice and performance still manage to make it interesting, rather than boring. Her high notes at the end were really good.
My Score: B+

Amber & Kree
OK, see, a current song: Adele - Rumor Has It. They both sound incredible and the performance is SO ENJOYABLE! Song choice is everything people! They still showed all of their vocal abilities even though it was a fun and current song. Plus, they both showed some personality, which is usually severely lacking. Again, I agree with Nicki...they need to show the personality!

Candice & Angie
Another current song...thank you! Love this Rihanna song! Angie held her own against the powerful Candice and they sounded really good together. Note to American Idol producers...this is why Idol is going down the crapper...not enough current music. They need to kill the way overdone Beatles week and Motown week, etc. and go with stuff like this. It's so much better!

The Results: 

Bottom 2: Amber and Candice

Going Home: predicted...NO ONE

The lowest vote getter was not revealed. All votes this week will be added to next week.

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