Sunday, April 21, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.8

The Task
Interactive South Africa tourism travel expo

Team Power
Project Manager: Brande

After a coin flip win, they choose the Adventure package.

For lack of any other ideas for a slogan, Trace comes up with "You + South Africa = Adventure".

They struggled with how to bring huge adventures into a very small space. The themes were golfing, ziplining, shark cage diving, glamping and surfing.

A couple of their good ideas were:
Shark cage = a fake cage and someone dressed up as a shark taunting the person in the cage
Ziplining = being pushed across the room in a desk chair

Trace shows us the art of shopping quickly. He also continues to struggle with the ideas that his team is coming up with. He doesn't think they are all that great, and he spends most of the time just sulking in his chair.

They put together a really nice pamphlet that described each of the experiences, and the executives seemed to really like that. And, they even enjoyed the "zip line". I can't believe that they even got George to do it!

Team Plan B
Project Manager: Penn

They get stuck with the Romance package, which was not their first choice.

Their themes were: spa, art, wine, food and dance.

Gary is proving to be less than useless on this task. He doesn't have any idea how to use a phone! He can't multi-task at all. It's definitely like they are working as a 2-person team right now vs a 4-person team of true "all stars".

Penn used his connections to get some zulu dancers and a South African drummer that played with Paul Simon. Plus he got some authentic South African chefs. He made that look way too easy. And Gary did...nothing.

Watching Gary do his thing was like watching his own circus. Lisa said it was like working with a 3-year-old and that he was more focused on eating his chicken. He was so much in his own world. At times he seemed like he was having a seizure. He was so out of control...more than we've seen before. It was incredible, and I feel so sorry for Penn and Lisa.

I could not stop laughing as Penn and Lisa breakdown and have some laughs at Gary's expense. He's off drumming a candle and kind of spinning around. Penn tells Lisa that maybe the judges will say that zulu dancers are not romantic and they should have just had people making out. Lisa said she will not make out with Gary, because she's got to draw the line somewhere. Then, Penn laughs and says that he wonders if it's possible to French kiss Gary because he has like 4" of teeth to go through. Oh, my.

The Boardroom
Somehow the team of 2 with the severe handicap of Gary, managed to out-do the team of "all stars". Team Plan B wins! I'm shocked! And Gary lives another week...

My guess is, that as a 2nd time losing PM, Brande will be fired.

Trump is going after Lil' Jon because he really wanted Adventure over Romance. Oh come on Trump! Someone was going to end up with it, you can't blame him for thinking it might be easier.

Brande brings back Trace and Marilu. That was the right choice, you don't want to lose a good player like Lil' Jon. Although Trace is so tough too. As long as Brande or Marilu go, it will be the right decision.

And just as expected, "Brande, you're fired."

Right before they were dismissed, Trace spoke up for her and asked Trump to give some money to her charity since she wasn't able to earn any. Trump decided to give $20,000 to her charity. That was really nice of him, and nice of Trace to speak up.

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