Monday, April 8, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.18

From what I've been reading on Twitter, this should be a very exciting episode, with lots of craziness.

HOH Competition
I'm not sure why it was legal for Emmett to be sitting down, and if it is legal, why weren't more people doing it? Alec was really struggling and last 1 hour and 20 minutes. He said he felt pretty safe with everyone up there. Big mistake: never get comfortable in the Big Brother house.

Peter was next out at 1 hour and 35 minutes. Not good for The Shield.

Emmett got DQd for taking one of his arms off the bar to scratch. Yikes.

Down to the 3 girls. They endured so much cold and wetness, and it was too much for Talla...she stepped off at 2 hours and 12 minutes. And then there were 2. Jillian slipped, but she caught herself, whew! Emmett was being so supportive from the cute! I am amazed that Topaz was like a rock. I'm surprised that she did so well. She was so numb she wasn't even shaking any more. Alec had a good comment about Topaz: "I guess all that napping and drinking Mountain Dew really paid off in her training regimen."

Emmett tried to get Jillian to make a deal with Topaz and tell her that she would be safe, but she didn't want to do it. Finally after 3 hours, they began to talk. She guaranteed each other's safety as well as the safety of their showmance partner's safety. Topaz says that she could have gone longer, but she wanted to show Jillian her loyalty. They lasted 3 hours and 36 minutes! Congratulations Jillian! Emmett was so cute, he was there waiting with a towel for her and he scooped her up and carried her inside. She told him the deal that she made with Topaz.

Alec was nice to Topaz, but not quite as nice as Emmett was to Jillian. Emmett and Jillian shared a warm shower, while Alec and Topaz shared a warm bed.

Promises Promises
Jillian talks to Andrew and Talla about the "deal" she made with Topaz and immediately said that she thinks she's going to have to break her promise. They then discuss Alec and they think he's telling a lot of lies about who he's in an alliance with to the end.

Emmett is not happy about the deal that she made, but he told her that she should put up Alec and Peter. That way she could keep her word that she didn't put her up.

Then it was time for Jillian to break the news to Topaz. There is no way that this is going to go over well. We all know what a temper Topaz has. She carefully works her way around the subject by saying she wants to keep her safe. Then she throws out Peter's name to see how she'll react. So far so good, and Topaz isn't crazy about the idea, but she would go along with it. Topaz throws out Talla's name because she's a "jumper". The conversation ends with Jillian convincing Topaz that she doesn't have anything to worry about. Jillian can claim success on that one, and Topaz only thinks that her plan has worked. She's in for a big shock come nomination time.

Time to Break the Bad News
Alec comes to talk to Jillian. She breaks the bad news that there's "a possibility" that he might have to go up. At this point, she makes it look like he would be the pawn. He tells her that she is not playing a very good HOH game and she is really worrying him.

Jillian tells Peter that the only 2 people she doesn't have a deal with is him and Talla (even though she does have a deal with Talla). She says she would love to put up Topaz, but she doesn't want to go back on her word. She makes him believe that Talla is her target, which makes him feel OK with whatever she wants to do.

The Cupboards are Bare!
The houseguests wake up and all the food is gone! Nothing but slop is there. Pretty soon the phone rings. Peter gets there first and he gets a task for the entire house. The challenge is that every time the phone rings, they have to say "yes'. If they are successful, the entire house is a Have for the week; if they are not successful, the entire house is Have-Nots for the week.

#1: Jillian: would you like to smother Alec's chest with peanut butter and lick it off? YES (Alec enjoyed it, Jillian and Emmett did not. Jillian said she tasted his deodorant and Emmett didn't care for his smirk, but it didn't matter because he was going to vote him out.)

#2: Dress up in funny costumes? YES (Jillian is pregnant, Andrew is a french maid...hilarious, Talla...I have no idea what Talla was supposed to be.

#3: Talla wax Andrew's legs? YES

#4: Topaz: only speak in French? YES

#5: Emmett: would you like to answer the phone for the next 5 times? YES

#6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Emmett: would you like to drink a glass of cold milk? YES (Sounds easy enough, but after #2, it was getting kind of hard. He was starting to look pale--like the color of milk, Andrew said--and he was feeling pretty crappy. Right after #5...immediately after #5, all 5 glasses came spewing out of him like a volcano. How awful!)

#11: Peter: would you like to eat an entire big salad all by yourself? YES (He has a food aversion and really struggles with foods he's not familiar with and he tried it all, and it all came back up...way to take one for the team.)

#12: Alec: would you like to bathe in a bath of fish guts for 5 minutes. YES

They succeeded so they all get to be Haves for the week!

Nomination Ceremony
Jillian puts Peter and Alec on the block. Let the week of fireworks begin.

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