Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.20

We're in for another double eviction folks! Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a wild and crazy ride!

The Scrambling Begins
Alec talks to Emmett to try to gain back his trust and say that Topaz is a threat. Peter pitches the same thing to Jillian and Emmett. Jillian says that if Peter can get the vote to 2-2 that she will break the tie and send Topaz home.

The Vote

With a vote of 3-1, Alec is evicted from the house. I'm sad to see him go. I just wish he would have gotten rid of Topaz earlier and was fully with Emmett and Jillian. So sad.

1st HOH Competition
Plead Your Case--decide if the evicted houseguest's quote is True or False

It comes down to Andrew and Emmett, and after a tie-breaker, Emmett wins! They had to guess the number of minutes in one of the challenges, and Andrew guessed 188 minutes and Emmett guessed 190 minutes! Wow, that was ridiculously close!

With only a couple minutes to decide, Emmett puts Topaz and Talla. Wow, I'm shocked! I really thought it would be Topaz and Peter. Emmett says the reason he puts Topaz up is because she is an endurance machine in comps. He says that he put Talla on the block because she annoys him. Really? I love her expression when he said that!

POV Competition
Because there are only 6 players left, they will all be playing. They have to find all of their letters in a big bin of packing peanuts and get them into their mailbox. Peter finds his first one very quickly. Topaz finds one. But it's Peter with his 2nd and final letter before anyone else even finds one! Wow, Peter is on fire! He didn't even need to win this time.

POV Ceremony
Peter decides not to use the Veto and the nominations remain the same. It's kind of surprising that he didn't save the one person who was kind of forced to be on his side.But, on the other hand, it shows some loyalty to the other side which could work to his advantage.

Eviction Ceremony-The Vote
Peter--Topaz (on behalf of Liza)

With a vote of 3-0, Topaz is evicted from the house! It's about time! I am so happy to see her go!

2nd HOH Competition
This is a familiar challenge. They have to put eggs  with houseguests names on, in order of eviction. They have to maneuver the eggs through the chicken wire. This challenge is so much harder than it looks, especially when you drop one and have to start over.

A jury member will be returning to the house. Viewers vote for AJ, Alec, Gary or Topaz. Next week we find out who it is! Wow, this could really change the game.

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