Saturday, April 6, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.16

The Showmance Is Officially Over!
Alec and Topaz both call it quits! It's about time! Alec wants to distance himself from Topaz and won't feel safe until both her and Gary are out of the game. He now is sharing a bunch of Topaz's secrets with the rest of the house. He says he has a lot of ammunition against her. He even goes so far as to say that he thinks the chances of them being friends outside of the show is about zero.

Meanwhile, Gary has a sad pity party for himself and ponders what he would do if he had to be in the house without Topaz.

East Vs West
Emmett and Andrew chat about some end game plans. Emmett said that Alec and Peter told him that they wouldn't take him to the end. Andrew thought it would be hilarious if him, Emmett and Jillian could make it to the final 3. They are all from the east coast and live in Nova Scotia. Alec and Peter are from the west coast. How funny...east vs west. It's like Westside Story: Jets vs Sharks.

To get some more numbers on their side, Andrew suggests bringing the mountain girl (Talla from Alberta) along. "She'll make us as strong as the Rockies." That would give them 4 against 3 (Peter, Alec and Topaz/Gary). He said, "I don' know if you know math...and I know Talla isn't the best at it, but 4 trumps 3."

Emmett talks to Jillian about the plan and he tells her to get as close as she can with Talla to try to make her feel safe. He said that Peter and Alec are going to be trying to get her on their side. Jillian is on board and told Emmett that she said all along that they should trust Talla.

Veto Competition
The Players: Andrew, Topaz, Gary, Alec, Talla, Peter
The Host: Jillian

The challenge called "Build a Demon" is based on the new movie Evil Dead. The backyard was transformed in a dark and scary graveyard. As host, Jillian had a very sexy outfit on that the boys really enjoyed. Alec said "she could definitely raise the dead and a few other things in that outfit." The challenge was to sift through a mud pit for body parts to put together a complete body AND they're blindfolded AND tied to a rope! The winner will also get to screen the new movie. This gets Peter VERY excited!

Everyone is getting tangled up with the ropes and the mud! That had to be so hard. So, not only can they not see, but the mud is really cold and cold water is falling on them. Geez Big Brother...not making it easy on them at all. A few people find their torsos and an arm and a leg here and there. Topaz thinks she found another left arm, so she tosses it away, and then wonders if maybe it was a right arm. Talla finds what she thinks is a torso, when it really is a small chunk of mud. Haha! She was pretty much just lost for the whole challenge...shocker.

Jillian was really getting into her job as host, as she shouted out things to the people in the mud. She said it was just like being a teacher! "It's exactly what happens in the classroom, except I'm NOT dressed like this, and my children are not looking for body parts in a swamp!"

Poor Peter...he's actually trying and he can't find any body parts. So maybe he hasn't really been throwing other challenges.

It's between Gary and Andrew. Gary has 2 right arms and Andrew is done except for the head! And it's Andrew with the win!

Andrew chooses Talla and Jillian to watch the movie with him. I'm not sure if Talla will be able to contain herself. She's going to be scared for weeks after seeing the movie.

Mt. St. Gary Erupts
What started out as a simple question from Talla to Gary about whether or not he turned off the stove, erupted into a nasty screaming match. Gary responded to her by saying "Can you just not talk to me?" Whoa...totally uncalled for. Someone is not handling being on slop very well and it's making him very moody. Gary says the "shit hit the fan." It was a lot of slamming the table and "don't talk to me like that" and "look at your attitude and get real". He cowered over her and it was like David and Goliath. Emmett stepped in to have her back, but it seems like she was more than capable of handling herself. She's a real spitfire!

Oh the Horror!
Movie time! Talla is screaming before they even sit down. Andrew informs us that he doesn't normally watch horror movies...he's more of a romantic comedy kind of guy. Haha! Poor Andrew, Talla screamed through pretty much the whole movie and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some permanent hearing loss and some bruises to go along with that. She kept smacking his leg!

But, the horror didn't end after the movie was over. Alec decided to have some fun of his own. While Talla was sleeping, he snuck up on her. Surprisingly, she didn't even scream! But she then said she didn't want to sleep by herself. The only other people in the room were Jillian and Emmett and Alec. So, she crawled into bed with Alec, and joked about what would happen if Topaz saw them. And then, lo and behold, who comes into the room. Gary and Topaz. She looks at the beds, puts her hands on her hips and says loudly "Hmmm...Alec and Talla sharing a bed?" Oh boy, here we go...if she even says "you're not getting between me and MY man", I might be sick.

First words out of her mouth "don't raise your voice at me" Talla was barely even whispering. "Keep being a slut like you are." Oh, I hate when people clap their hands together as they're screaming.

Topaz says in the DR that it hurt because she had genuine feelings for him. Yeah, I'm not buying that. Just another nasty side of her coming out. She has a real temper problem. Everyone realizes that the showmance is over and this shouldn't even be an issue right? Even if the showmance was on, what's wrong with laying in a bed together with a pillow wall between you? Seriously.

Talla was the bigger person and went to talk to Topaz about it. After cooling down a bit, they did make up.

How strange that Talla was on the receiving end of 2 violent screaming matches from each person on the block this week.

Veto Ceremony
Andrew chooses not to use the Veto...big surprise.

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