Monday, April 22, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.24

HOH Competition
Continued from last episode, who will win?

Talla was so completely lost. Is there anything that she's good at? The only thing that she ever has a chance of winning are endurance competitions. Gary seemed to be just as lost, just putting random pieces up.

Emmett and Andrew are making some headway with their puzzles. Emmett says that he likes to take things apart at home and see how they go back together, so that seems to be helping him.

Emmett is finished and Jillian is hoping that he's not dq'd. Ha! I would be worried, too.

Discussing the Twist
Andrew is really mad that Gary came back because he was the HOH that got him out of the house, so he knows he's going to be a target. He feels like his HOH didn't mean anything.

Gary is hoping that he is still good with Emmett, because he's his only chance at an ally. Emmett is kind of the only person in the game who thinks having Gary back in the house is a good thing. He makes a good point that if Emmett and Jillian align with him, they have the numbers to go to final 3, if they go together in getting in Andrew and Talla.

Sneaky Gary
Gary tells them that the jury house loves Andrew, when really he only has AJ's vote. Then when Jillian leaves the room, he tells Emmett that he really thinks they need to get Jillian out! Really Gary? You think that's going to make Emmett want to work with you? Not only that, but she was right around the corner and he's talking all kinds of crap about her. Not cool Gary, not cool. Emmett tells him he's being like a baby. Emmett says that he would go to final 2 with Gary because he thinks he could beat him, not because he likes him.

Gary says that the jury house hates Jillian, but he tells her that they all respect her. Jillian was worried that the jury hates her because of how many people she lied to and put on the block. She also thinks that because of the threats that Peter made to her if she got him out of the house.

I think Gary did an excellent job of telling them all what they wanted to hear about how the jury was feeling. He also did a very good job of making it believable and coming up with valid reasons for the jury thinking certain things.

Marsha's Challenge for Talla
Haha! Talla and Marsha, oh my. She has to do a one hour talk show called "Talking with Talla!" and she has to start with a 2-minute monologue and then interview each of the houseguests individually and find out one fact about them that she didn't already know. So, can we just talk about the fact that she didn't know what a monologue is? And how funny is it that Marsha doesn't have much faith in her: "Get ready for our first fail everyone." lol

Gary is first up. She spends like a 5 minute rambling sentence trying to ask him 1 question! Wow, that was painful. But, she does get him to say that he got really good grades in school and got a scholarship.

Emmett wasn't a very willing participant. She asked him how far he's traveled in Canada, and he says he's driven all the way across Canada. She asks what the best thing he stopped to see was and he said a dinosaur museum. Apparently, this is in Alberta and "I should really know that."

She asks Jillian about her teaching degree, which Jillian said was in the sciences, including earth science. Talla asks "what is earth science" and, shocker, she didn't know what that was!

She asks Andrew about traveling and she said she didn't think there was such a thing as a traveling visa and Andrew said that there was, but it wasn't a credit card. And, guess what...she didn't know that!

She then reports back to Marsha and she informs Talla that she passed and she starts rolling around on the floor! Oh my! Marsha says: "That girl is a handful, and I don't even have hands!" The reward was a festive night of Talla-tinis. Oh no...more alcohol...this is not good!

Emmett teaches Jillian how to play chess and he likens the BB game to chess. And just as they are talking about pawns, Andrew walks in the room. Jillian and Emmett decide that Andrew has to go on the block as the pawn. Later, Andrew comes back and jokes about who Emmett was going to put on the block, thinking that it would for sure be Gary and Talla. However, Emmett informs him that he was trying to avoid a scenario where someone gets taken off the block and he's forced to put up Jillian as a replacement and he would never  be able to forgive himself if she would go home because of him. Now Andrew is really worried. He doesn't know why Emmett is doubting his loyalty to the alliance. Andrew flat out calls him a prick to his face. And THEN Emmett makes the BIG mistake of telling him that he was doing the same thing that Jillian did last week. He tried to cover himself by saying he thought Jillian told him the plan. Andrew is PISSED to find out that both Emmett and Jillian are putting him on the block to cover themselves. Emmett knew as soon as he said it that he should not have told him that. Emmett then tries to cover again by saying that by putting him on the block, the rest of them will really not suspect that they have a final 3 deal.

Jillian felt so badly that Andrew was upset that she said she was almost willing to chance going on the block if it meant that they could win Andrew's trust back.

Nomination Ceremony
Andrew nominates Andrew and Gary

Emmett says he nominated Andrew because he's the only one who stands between him and winning and that he's a huge comp threat. His reason for nominating Gary is that everyone in the house only has 1 life, but Gary has been given 2 lives, so he wants to see how long this life lasts.

That was kind of a risky move, because Andrew is not happy about this at all. It would be better to make Talla mad at you for being the pawn than someone who is in your alliance.

Emmett still hasn't decided who he wants to leave this week, so he's letting both Gary and Andrew think that they are the pawn.

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