Saturday, April 20, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.22

After the Nomination
Peter and Andrew are on the block. Peter thinks Andrew's the target. Andrew thinks Peter's the target. Someone is clueless and someone's going to be shocked.

Emmett wants Jillian to tell Talla that if she wins Veto, she can't save Andrew, because that would mean that Emmett would get put up.

POV Competition
All the houseguests get to participate. They have to clean a big set of teeth, solve a puzzle, and then search through tons of sheep to look for one that has a star. The first one to tuck themselves in the big bed, wins. They also win a $10,000 shopping spree at The Brick.

The teeth part of the challenge proved to be very difficult, because that green stuff would not come off! They were all getting pooped. Talla was too short to reach. Peter got frustrated and he hit the teeth and the brush broke! Andrew found that hitting it did loosen the plaque up and it began to come off easier. Emmett then copied what Andrew was doing. Andrew finished first and Emmett was close behind, and they move on to the next round.

Emmett then tells Jillian to bang the brush. Uh oh...Talla realizes that he's helping her, and helping is not allowed! Then Jillian finished, and Peter is ticked! He threw the brush at the teeth and it burst into a ton of little pieces. Then Big Brother announces that they are reviewing the tapes because of a possible infraction. Oh no...we know what that means. Yep, he assisted Jillian, and he's disqualified. Jillian quickly says that she didn't even hear him or use the technique he was telling her to use (and she didn't). Emmett gets very upset and starts screaming at Big Brother, and he pretty much just threw a little temper tantrum. How embarrassing.

Because of Emmett being disqualified, they go again, and it's down to Peter and Talla. Peter then finishes and he gets to move on.

Time for the puzzle round. Andrew did it in no time and Jillian finished 2nd! Peter is out. That was amazing because she said she never understood how to do those types of puzzles. She was so funny as she was describing herself doing the puzzle. She was like "I'm gettin' it, I'm gettin' it, and I'm figuring it out. Just move this 3 times and get rid of this." So funny! Peter wasn't so happy and he threw a temper tantrum of his own, and dumped the puzzle table.

Last round, Andrew vs. Jillian. Andrew got the sheep, and tucked himself in and Peter said he "crushes my dream." He won the Veto, and obviously plans to take himself off the block.

Poor Peter was really taking the loss hard. He feels like he's never mattered before and he really wanted to come out as a winner in this game. He's afraid that the loss at one puzzle has cost him the entire game.

Phone Challenge
Jillian answers and receives a mission for the entire house. They all must freeze. They can't move or talk or anything. If one person fails, they all face a punishment. But if they succeed, they will all get a surprise that will bring them "closer to home."

At one point when the froze, a big sumo wrestler came into the house. He walks right up to Jillian, who was carrying Jillian's laundry, and he just stares at him. He lays down right next to Emmett on the ground. Challenge successful.

Another time freezing, and cheerleaders enter the house and begin cheering around Andrew.

The next time, low and behold, Andrew's twin Pete comes in, and Andrew just about loses it! Pete hugs him and shows him video of his nieces, and Andrew's crying! Pete tells him how proud he is of him and that he'll get to come home soon. That has to be torture for him! He tries not to smile, wow...that was crazy!

They are finally told that they have succeeded and they will get video calls from their families.

New Deal
Jillian begins to think about who's in the jury house and how Emmett hasn't made anyone mad. She talks to Andrew and they decide it might be best to work together. They shake on a final 2 deal, but Jillian reveals in the DR, that she's LYING!

Veto Ceremony
No surprise, Andrew uses the veto on himself. She obviously won't be putting Emmett on the block. Poor Talla, as much as Jillian doesn't want to have to put her up, that's what happens.

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