Sunday, April 7, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.6

The Task:
Trump's wife Melania is launching a new skin care collection. The teams are to create editorials and displays.

Team Power
Project Manager: Dennis

Dennis asks Melania if he can go to her bathroom to see what products she really uses. Wow...really inappropriate! The whole team just cringes. Oh no, now Gary is talking. He says that he sees something like a rainbow...not sure how that's connected to the task.

Dennis's idea revolves around caviar...everything caviar because that is part of the name of the product.

Dennis and Lil' Jon go shopping for props: they look for everything gold.

Dennis has a very laid back style. He didn't really give anyone a task, they just kind of started working. He couldn't even pronounce Melania's name right.

For some reason Trace was working with the graphic designer instead of Lil' Jon. Dennis signed off on what he saw, but for some reason, I'm thinking this will come into play later because they put special emphasis on them asking Dennis what he thought and making sure that he said it was OK. I'm guessing maybe there is a typo that he didn't catch, or maybe there is something glaringly wrong with the photos.

I WAS RIGHT!!! Melania's name is spelled wrong on the presentation!!!! It was spelled Milania! Oh my. Not good. The presentation itself went very well, but that is a MAJOR problem.

Team Plan B
Project Manager: Penn

They decide to go all out with gold and caviar as well. They have a lot of money to work with, so Penn told Lisa and Marilu to be "promiscuous" with the caviar.

Eric Trump came to check in with the team and Penn was pretty rude to him. I think it was all in a joking way, but it could be taken in a very rude manner.

Penn made a few faux pas and then Gary spoke. 2 strikes.

The Boardroom
Gary announces that he would like to be a spokesperson go men, heterosexual and homosexual, about the greatness of the product. Oh my.

Trump wastes no time in telling Dennis that his team lost because of spelling Melania's name wrong.

Trace tried to blame it on the girl who did the graphics, and even though he didn't catch it, Dennis had the last say. But really, they ALL missed it...not one of them caught it.

Dennis decides only to bring Trace back to the boardroom with him.

Dennis made a very good case for himself. Trace brought up when Dennis asked Melania if he could look in her bathroom.

And with that, "Dennis, you're fired!"

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