Wednesday, April 17, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.29 & 12.30

Song 1:Very strange take on this song. I don't know if I like it or not. I don't really care for the jazzy vibe she has been putting into her songs recently. They definitely show off her vocal talents, it's just not that pleasant to listen to for my taste.
My Score: B+

Song 2: Her 2nd song is more the style that I like from her. It's more pop ballad than old fashioned jazz/blues. I think she sounds at her best when she sings songs like this. I find her voice so much more tolerable and pretty to listen to. This one got a much deserved 4 judge standing ovation.
My Score: A+

Song 1: Boring, boring, boring is Janelle. I keep asking myself if it's ever going to end. I don't like country, so a song like this is pretty much like torture. Going beyond the song, her voice is nice, but it's still torture.
My Score: B

Song 2: I definitely think her upbeat songs are much better than her slow ones. She at least shows a little personality and doesn't put you to sleep. Her vocals just aren't that great. So the verdict is that this is better than the first one, but it's still not great.
My Score: B+

Song 1: I think this is a good song for Kree. I think I like this performance from her, better than any of her other ones (or at least anything she's done recently). She actually looked like she was having fun for the first time. Her vocals were amazingk and she didn't overdo the country.
My Score: A

Song 2: Kree is on fire tonight. I haven't been that big of a fan of hers up to this point, but she's kind of winning me over tonight. She sounded so great on this song. I didn't even know this Celine song. I wasn't totally crazy about the song, but she sang it beautifully.
My Score: A

Song 1: I'm glad she's back at the piano. I love this song. She sounded amazing! I don't know why people have started doubting her and keep putting her in the 3rd spot behind Candice and Kree. I think she's as good or better than both of them and wins in the personality department...hands down. I love the power that she sang with in this song. This was her best performance in weeks, and got a much-deserved standing ovation from 3 judges (minus!).
My Score: A+

Song 2: Ooh, I love this song for her! She is killing it! Her voice is sounding so amazing on this song! She is hitting every note! Wow. Angie is back people! This time all 4 judges stand...that's right!
My Score: A+

Song 1: She picked a good song. The 2nd half of the song was so strong. She really killed it. Tough to take on a Mariah song, but she killed it. I didn't agree with Nicki saying that she didn't like it and that she sounded scared. Didn't hear that at all. I thought it was really good.
My Score: A

Song 2: Really crappy song choice. That is not going to help her at all. Nowhere near as good as her first song. She might have sang it well, but it was a horrible song. It was classy and showed off her voice, but it was boring. And tell me why all 4 judges stood up for that? Yuck. Following the plea for votes from the judges, that will probably be enough to save her.
My Score: B

The Results:
Bottom 2: Kree & Janelle

Going Home: Janelle--no save was used

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