Monday, April 1, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.15

I think some very crazy things are about to happen. When they shut off the live feeds, you know something is up. The live feeds have been down for a few days. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this...I don't want to lose someone I like because of Topaz's stupidity...

Host Arisa informs us that Topaz is going to have to make her nominations immediately! She has been sequestered, and will have 5 minutes to decide on 2 nominees...with no discussion with anyone else! She is NOT the person I want to be making this decision in a short amount of time and with no help from anyone else. Twist: the house is watching her make her decision (and she doesn't know it).

Topaz's Deliberation
The houseguests are seeing everything! She is talking out loud to herself, and they HEAR everything! She spills her strategies, who she wants to work with, who she thinks the house wants out, who her target is. much information everyone is learning right now! Alec looks mortified.

Instant Nominations: AJ and Andrew
Arisa asks why she chooses them. She said she doesn't have strong ties with Andrew, but she does with AJ. Earlier in her deliberation, she said that if she would put these 2 up, she would want the house to get rid of Andrew and not AJ. She again names AJ as not a threat, but as a pawn. She then says if Andrew would win Veto, she would backdoor someone, "a stronger player perhaps."

Instant Eviction
Everyone walks into the DR, breathless, shocked, stunned and bewildered. They all are on the verge of breaking down. Wow...they don't know what just hit them, and that they have to make this decision.

Alec--AJ ("Topaz why did you do this? How am I going to get myself out of this one?")

With a vote of 4-2, AJ is EVICTED and becomes the first member of the jury. Holy crap! He went from being the pawn, to being evicted. It was bound to happen at some point. I just never thought he would go instead of Andrew. Everyone has been talking about trying to get Andrew out and how AJ wasn't a threat. When did they change their minds? So, Topaz, how did your plan work for you? Not to good, huh?!

Poor AJ, he didn't even have a chance to fight for Veto. I'm going to miss him and his bromance with Andrew, he was so much fun to watch.

AJ Interview
He definitely took the eviction well. He thinks that Topaz wasted her HOH. He hopes Andrew will win the game, but thinks Jillian will win. He thinks things are going to be bad for Topaz because of everything the house heard. I would agree with that.

The Aftermath
Topaz tries to back-pedal about what she said during her deliberation. She claims she doesn't remember what she said. Andrew said that she said he was her target. She says "I never said that." Um, Topaz...even if you don't remember what you said, there is a whole house of people who do, and you said can't change that, so stop lying and own up to it!

Then, Topaz has the nerve to be mad at Alec and Peter because they chose to go against her wishes and vote for AJ instead of Andrew. What?! Are you serious, woman? Oh my gosh. She thinks that they were totally selfish and did it just for them. Well, news to her, but she doesn't have the best game. Alec and Peter absolutely know what they're doing and they have (had) a plan. She has just been along for the ride. She should be thanking Alec, because, even though he's pissed at her, he's still probably going to do some damage control and try to protect her. I sincerely hope that she goes next because she is just a liability. It looks like the showmance is officially over after their argument. So, Gary swoops in to be her defender and make her feel better.

Alec then decides to play up the whole break-up and make people think that he's upset about it. And to Topaz, he is "faking" that he wants to get back together with him. She chooses to ignore a child.

HOH Competition
They had to guess which evicted houseguests said what. It came down to a tie-breaker between Andrew and Talla. Talla gets so close again, but it's Andrew! They had to guess how many balls were used in the "Bees Knees" challenge. He low-balled his guess because he thought she would either write down 17,000 or 4...ha! The answer was 968 and he guessed 300, while she guessed 145. Good job Andrew! He didn't get to enjoy any of the perks the last time he won, so I'm glad he gets to this time.

Andrew then had to choose 4 have-nots. He tried to be as diplomatic about it as possible, and I think he did a good job. His first choice was Emmett--he told him he had a Slop Pass, so he might as well use it. Peter then asked if Topaz was eligible, so he chose her. He asked Peter how many times he had been on slop, and Peter just said he would do it. And finally, he chose Gary because he has NEVER been on slop yet. And Gary had the nerve to get pissed about it! Take it like a man Gary, seriously. "I don't want to see me fall apart on slop." And then he starts crying, and then he runs into the house sobbing like a little baby! Emmett said he was acting like a little kid in a store who couldn't get his fruit loops...hahaha! I wonder if Gary knows how ridiculous he just looked.

Jillian said that she hoped he was joking and then did a great impression of him like dry heaving on the toilet, which is basically what he was doing. Gary said "I just don't know how to do it with my body type." Seriously? Oh my gosh. Emmett had a good one, he said "I thought you wanted to slim down any way." I have never heard anyone cry like him before, that was just odd.

Andrew's HOH Room
His room is vampire theme! Ha!

Nomination Ceremony
Andrew nominates: Topaz and Gary

Woohoo Andrew! "I must avenge AJ." Topaz is up because she targeted him in the instant eviction and because of it, his best friend left the house. Gary is nominated because he voted with Topaz, and he didn't want him to be able to win the Veto and take Topaz off the block.

Topaz: "The fact that I'm up on the block, even though Andrew is supposed to be loyal to Alec, speaks volumes. Honestly, I blame Alec like 110%." Wow. How this became his fault is beyond me. That is just ridiculousness! Thankfully, Alec is so ready so cut ties with her that he wants her gone.

But, just when you believe Andrew that his target is Topaz, he reveals to the audience that since Gary told him to make a big move, that that's what he's doing and his move is to get GARY out of the house. Make up your mind Andrew!

This episode was just pure craziness, and that's just one reason why I LOVE THIS SHOW!

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