Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.19

Jillian tries to convince Peter that Alec is her target and not him. She knows that after Alec is gone that he will be scrambling to find an alliance. Peter recognizes that it might be a smart move to side with her, and might actually want to go to the finals with her.

Then Jillian does some damage control and needs to tell Topaz why she went back on her word. She says that the conversation that she had with Alec before the nominations really made her not trust him.

Veto Competition
The Players: Jillian, Alec, Peter, Talla, Topaz, Andrew

Emmett was so incredibly upset that he didn't get picked for the Veto. Settle down Emmett, it's going to be OK! But, oh, his troll outfit as host for the competition, was so worth seeing!

The goal of the competition was to put events on planks in order to complete a bridge and then make it over the bridge in the fastest time.

Andrew was stymied by one plank and he finished in a little over 17 minutes! I'm no psychic, but I'm guessing someone will beat that.

Talla is up next and as Andrew says "Talla's strategy is no strategy at all." She didn't unveil all of the events, she just started putting them on the bridge. Dumb, dumb, dumb. She didn't realize that it was a dumb strategy until she got them all up and needed to rearrange them. Emmett and Andrew were cracking up on the sidelines, and Talla yells out that this is looking like a "1919 situation". She only had 4 out of the 14 right when she hit Andrew's time and Emmett told her to stop. Wow, that was just ridiculous.

Peter is up next. He just flew threw the challenge. The fashion show caused him some trouble just like it did for Peter and he got it in 13.52.

Jillian's turn. She only got 1/2 of them by the time Emmett told her to stop. I really thought she would do better than that.

Topaz was in no hurry. Alec could have used her help, but she was not even close.

Alec is last up, and he looked like he was in it to win it. He hit the button the first time at like 3 minutes. He only had 1 to change and Andrew, Jillian and Emmett were sweating. Then he knows which 2 he needed to switch. But he doesn't switch them! He just stands there befuddled and says to himself 'do I really want to win this'? Are you kidding me? He says "I quit". He couldn't even pretend like he was struggling and run out the time. Then as Emmett is going over the times, Alec throws up the Shield sign, and Peter sees it, and he doesn't really know why he did that. Alec thought it would be better for Peter to take himself off the block and him fight for his life than the other way around.

And it's Peter for the win!

Replacement Nominee
Topaz goes to talk to Jillian to make sure that she was still safe. Jillian tells her that even though she said she wouldn't put her on the block...and she didn't...that she now had to. Topaz is not very happy. She made a good point that the whole house knows the promise that she made and now she's going back on it.

Topaz hears the entire group in the HOH room talking. Wait a minute. How in the world are they talking loud enough for her to hear the entire conversation from the kitchen? Jillian was explaining how she was just entertaining Topaz and that she felt like she had to talk to her blah, blah, blah. Wow.

New Dark Moose-Secret Challenge
They notice a new dark moose in the hot tub area. Peter is the only person (other than AJ) who knows about Marsha the Moose. So, Peter waits for everyone to leave, and he camps out by the hot tub, just in case this one also decides to talk to him and give him a task.

He's right! This moose is Marge! I love how into it Peter gets, he just talks to it like it's a real person. This moose cusses and wants to smoke and drink some whiskey! Ha! So, Peter's task is to make the house believe that Tom is coming back into the house! Marge tells Peter not to f*** it up! Ha! Peter cringes, as if he's a little afraid of Marge.

1st task: change Tom's black and white picture with a colored one
2nd task: add another seat around the table
3rd task: put his stuffed animal in Jillian's HOH room

The hardest part for Peter was to go undetected as he made all of these changes in the house. Jillian can see all from the HOH room, so he had to be careful. Luckily, she was looking away from the screen at the time.

Later, Marsha talks to Peter, and she asks who he's been talking to and he says Alec (remembering that NO ONE is supposed to know about Marge). She asks him if there's another moose, and he says "No, I would never do that."

Talla and Topaz were the first to see that Tom's picture is color! Major freakout ensues! They run screaming through the house and Peter must join in. Major paranoia to say the least. And Peter is loving it!

In the HOH room, Emmett and Jillian realize the cameras in the room were pointing in an odd angle pointing at the bed, and she discovers Tom's monkey. She thinks it's a game to find all of Tom's things around the house.

The next day, the houseguests were called to the living room and they all assumed that it was to announce that Tom was coming back. But, it was Peter who stood up and announced the mission to the house. The reward for his success was to make a list of 5 luxury food items.

Veto Ceremony
Peter obviously takes himself off the block. Jillian then replaces him with Topaz.

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