Sunday, April 28, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.9

The Task:
Make a video for LG about their interactive, smart technology.

Can I just say that these LG products are frickin' amazing! Refrigerator that has wi-fi and you can create a grocery list and send it to your phone! Washer/dryer that can tell you how much longer you have on the cycle! These things are like from the future...something you would see on the Jetsons!

Team Plan B
Project Manager: Gary

What's better than having a PM who is technologically illiterate? Please tell me that this will be Gary Busey's last stand. There's no way he makes it out of this task, right?!

Gary is so disrespectful to the executives. He constantly interrupts to have them repeat everything. He gets up and walks around while they're talking, he's's ridiculous! Granted, even if he was paying full attention, he still wasn't going to get it anyway.

Penn threw out 3 ideas like rapid fire and Gary vetoed them all. Lisa tried to give an idea and Gary told her to be quiet. Seriously Gary? Then he throws out the idea of a man who turns into a mechanical dog. It has nothing to do with the product at all. At this point, Lisa and Penn can do nothing. They are at Gary's mercy and will eventually go down on his sinking ship. They tried to throw him a life preserver and a way out, but he did not want to be saved. I really admire Lisa, because she did and said absolutely nothing wrong and Gary took everything as her being hostile and disrespectful. She continued to not raise her voice and talk calmly with him until he finally agreed to move forward. Ridiculous waste of time, and Gary was totally in the wrong.

Gary goes through the insane idea for the video, and then Penn tells him he will type it up. While going through the script, he and Lisa have a breakdown where they just begin laughing at the whole thing because it makes absolutely no sense, and no part of it was anything that they was all Gary. Their only fear is that it will be so out of the box that LG will love it.

The actors show up, and apparently Gary chose 2 women of about the same age to play his wife and daughter. He told them he didn't choose them, the work chose them. He told them that he left his body at one time, and a ton of absolute nonsense. I really pity those people for having to sit through that.

And, it's time for action and he says "If you have to fart, fart quick, but keep your energy up." Oh my gosh, it's so hard to believe what's going on. And then he pushes one of the camera guys. Lisa says something to him, and he yells at her for not saying it to him in private.

Gary then takes on the role of the mechanical dog, and begins barking out of control. Lisa reminds Penn about LG's wholesome family mantra, and everything he's doing is the complete opposite.

Ivanka pays a visit and Penn and Lisa spilled the beans about the disaster they were experiencing. At that point, they had 1/2 hour left and had not really shot anything. I'm a little concerned when Ivanka says that Penn and Lisa had checked out and that was a risky strategy because they would all be in the boardroom. While that's true, there is absolutely no way that either of them are at fault for what is taking place.

After watching the video, all I can say is "Wow".

Team Power
Project Manager: Lil' Jon

This task was made for Lil' Jon. He has become a master at video production. Marilu and Trace are both creative as well, so it's hard to see how they could lose this task. Their biggest advantage is that they don't have Gary.

Over at Team Power, things are moving smoothly like clockwork. We aren't seeing a whole lot of their team because there is so much chaos going on with Team Plan B.

Marilu memorized her lines and Trace took off to start editing while they were still shooting. Each of them had a role on the team that was perfect for them. The 3 of them were like a well-oiled machine.

If there's any negative about their video, I think it will be that it's not overly creative, and there wasn't very much humor in it to make it exciting. The positives were that they really showed each of the products well and what they can do. Let's just hope that's what the execs were looking for!

The executives liked Lil' Jon's video better, and so Team Power won! Woohoo! All is right with the world! Now, if only Trump can see that Gary needs to be fired instead of taking pity on him and saying what a great actor he is.

It really amazes and astonishes me at how delusional Gary is. He lied about being abandoned by his team. He lied about Lisa yelling at him. He lied about not getting ideas and opinions from Penn. Nothing could be further from the truth for all of those things.

Trump tells Gary that this season he is a rock. What?! Trump said last time he played he was a flake...yes he was, but he STILL IS!!!

And, finally, Gary does not escape the boardroom. Gary should have never survived the last time he was PM.

As soon as Trump said, "Gary, you're fired!" He got up, walked out without saying one word to Penn or Lisa. Real classy.

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