Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.8

After Tribal - Bikal
Phillip pulls Dawn and Corinne aside and tells them that he threw the challenge. Corinne says that's "the biggest joke of the year." He said he made the decision AT THE CHALLENGE. Corinne: "He's so cuckoo for cocoa puffs that there's no question Phillip has to go."

Dawn's really feeling down because this is about the time when her game fell apart the last time.

A note is delivered via a boat. They are told to pack up everything to go to a new home. The boat takes them to the Bikal camp. Reunion time!

Time to feast and the new green buffs are passed out. Time to decide on the new tribe name. Malcolm suggests Enil Edam ...secretly because his mom's name is Madeline! Nice one Malcolm! I love it when someone suggests a really random name and gets everyone to go along with it. I think Erik might have done that on his season.

Phillip to Andrea: "Pretend you're Boston Rob".

Corinne is reunited with her bestie Malcolm and she vents to him about how Phillip has treated all of them. Corinne suggests taking out Sherri first because no one would be upset and Malcolm agrees because she's weird. She said that he has no idea how much she's missed him. "Thank God for Malcolm." I agree :)

Immunity Challenge
The clue to the challenge tells them that they are going to be eating gross stuff. Reynold is worried because this is his biggest weakness. Cochran is excited because this could give his love life a boost and give him a wild streak. Ha!

Elimination rounds to get to the final. First 3 to finish move on.

#1: Beetle larva
They're moving all over the plate...yuck! Malcolm: "I'm gonna be sick before I get it in my mouth". Eddie: "Is it going to bite me?" They waste no time throwing those puppies in their mouth. Andrea, Malcolm and Eddie move on! Sherri, Corinne and Erik are out.

#2: Beetle larva
Phillip dry heaves before they start. Reynold is looking good, but it's Cochran, Phillip and Michael moving on. Dawn, Reynold and Brenda are out.

#3: Ship worms
I love Malcolm's look of disbelief at what is on the plate. Cochran is a beast. Malcolm, Eddie and Cochran move on! Phillip, Andrea and Michael are out.

#4: Balut (duck embryos)
Eddie says "Why?" and Probst just shrugs his shoulders. I remember how others struggled with this on other seasons. Eddie: "Mine's still moving." Go Malcolm go! Cochran and Malcolm move on! Eddie kept blowing out some pieces and trying to shove them back down his throat...yuck!

#5: Pig brains
Probst: "David and Goliath". Cochran just edged out Malcolm!!! Whoa! It was so incredibly close. And he dances around like Rocky. He's so happy...good for him.

Cochran said he is a little pipsqueak going up against the golden god of the tribe...and won! "Dream fulfillment."

Phillip wants to do a split vote between Eddie and Reynold. Corinne doesn't want to go after them and she doesn't want to do a split vote.

Reynold is all for voting out Phillip--"Lord Phillip of the High Shelter". Ha! Corinne says just trust me and I'll protect you to Eddie and Reynold. Reynold thinks he's back in business and might actually be a part of a dominant alliance. However, the title of this episode is "Blindside Time". It could very well be talking about his blindside (and not using his idol) and NOT the blindside of Phillip. Reynold tweeted Russell Hantz earlier today and he said that he attended Russell's class on how to find idols, but he missed the one on how to play them. This makes me think that he is the one who will be blindsided tonight. Boo!

Corinne tries to get Dawn to come with her and the fans to go for Sherri. This is exactly what happened to her the last time in the game with Cochran and she didn't say anything. So, she goes right to Cochran with the information. They think now that maybe they should be targeting Corinne. Oh, so is it going to be Corinne who gets blindsided? Whoa...3 possible blindsides, who's it going to be?

Phillip: "Corinne, she's running around telling everybody she's got a coalition out to vote who, The Specialist out of the game, me, Phillip Sheppard! How dare her try to get me out of the game. I'm the one who originally brought her into Stealth-R-Us, and I will not allow Corinne to take control of this game." Phillip tells Sherri that if she votes out Corinne like he says, she will move herself up in the standings. Her problem is that she can't stand Phillip.

Erik is so confused because Malcolm says to vote Sherri and Andrea says to vote out Corinne. He has no idea what he's going to do! Oh boy! Lots of people are going to be shocked with this vote.

Tribal Council
Sherri said she doesn't think the fans have a shot. Reynold doesn't think the vote will be all that shocking tonight.

The Vote
7 votes Corinne 5 votes Sherri

Corinne is voted out! Lots of shocked faces. So, it wasn't Reynold tonight, but something tells me that he's going home with that idol as a souvenir. He's just cocky enough to not play it when he needs to. He did already play it once, but it turned out he didn't need to. So, this time, he may second guess himself and whether or not he actually needs to play it.

I'm not liking that Malcolm is on the losing side of this vote. I hope the previews for next week work out for him. It looks like he's ready to make a big move.

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