Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Survivor, Ep. 25.7

The tribes are merging! What, already? I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Now we don't get to see how having no rice was going to affect Kalabaw.

Time to set up the new camp. The men work on the shelter. Lisa thought she would do a good deed by laying out everyone's wet clothes so they could dry. And what did she find? MALCOLM'S IDOL! Yikes! Once he saw the clothes laying out, he knew that she now knew his secret. Time for some damage control. I love that he called her the Church Lady...haha! She really was innocent, but boy it didn't look good.

There's so many deals going on right now, my head is spinning! Who's with who? Who knows about who's idol?

Individual Immunity up for grabs for one man and one we go!

Skupin is casualty #1 followed by Pete. Come on can do better than that! And, Penner is out! And Malcolm basically gave up...what's up with that. Did he not want to look too strong since he's been winning a lot of things lately? Denise wins immunity for the women (not a surprise at all). 3 men left: Artis, Carter and Jeff. Artis is out and it's down to Jeff and Carter. And a little deal-making begins. Jeff decides to drop out and give it to Carter. I hope that was a good idea. Yay for Denise, who can finally take a breather at Tribal.

According to Artis, the plan is as follows. They will split the votes between Penner and RC. If Penner doesn't play the idol, he'll go home. If he plays the idol, RC will go home.

RC thinks that she and Skupin are with the Kalabaw 4. Jeff's not so sure he wants to align with 2 veterans. Penner is so trusting...has he learned nothing in the 3 times he's played this game?

It's so unreal that they are at the merge, there is a whole tribe that has never been to Tribal! And poor Denise has been to every single one.

Time for the votes and I'm wondering where in the world Pete's name came up. Oh no! That's not good. Time to reveal and Penner's idol is flushed out!

Penner received the most votes, but they didn't count. Pete somehow received 2 votes from RC and Penner....not sure where that came from. However, RC received more votes and got her torch snuffed. It was time, she was annoying and created drama.

Next week's preview: Penner is on the warpath because he was severly betrayed...should be great TV!

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