Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Survivor, Ep. 25.3

Can Matsing break out of their slump and finally not end up last? Only time will tell...but it doesn't look good as long as Russell is leading (or not leading, according to him).

Meanwhile, on Tandang: hello Pete, nice to finally meet you! I'm glad he's trying to come up with a plan to save Lisa. He wants to blindside Mike; I would rather see Abi or RC go. I think they're both shady. You know it's going to hit the fan when RC finds out Abi told Pete about the clue to the idol.

On Kalabaw, clever Jeff realizes the emblem on top of the rice is gone and figures out that it was the idol, and that Penner most likely has it. Possible blindside #2 is in the works. Neither tribe will get to execute their blindside if Matsing continues their horrendous performances in the immunity challenge.

Immunity/Reward Challenge, key observations:

-Russell sucks! He slipped more than once trying to get out of the water, losing valuable time. Then he comes up empty, again losing time. Wasn't the main reason they were hanging onto him because he's a physical player who could help them win challenges? It's time to face the facts, you idiots: YOU ARE 0-3! CUT HIM LOOSE ALREADY! Russell is a poor leader and although he looks strong, he is incredibly weak! UNLESS...his plan is to come off as weak so he's not seen as a threat (despite his speech last week)...then he is definitely succeeding.

-Denise embarrassed the heck out of Russell! She was a machine!

-Angie is pretty much worthless. She couldn't untie the first float that was only a couple feet under water.

-Jeff is surprisingly good in water.

-Skupin is going to leave the show in a body bag! He is cursed! Every show he injures something to the point where he is bleeding. This week, his goggles explode in his face?? What?! How does that happen?

Kalabaw comes in first, and...SHOCKER...Matsing comes in dead last. They are 0-3 and will now be down 3 members.

After the challenge, Abi discovers the hidden immunity idol, and then stupidly screams, "I found it!" Way to be stealth. On Kalabaw, Penner decides to share with Jeff that he has the idol, which helped to ease Jeff's concerns that he couldn't be trusted. That leaves the lowly Matsing tribe as the only ones not to find their idol. The only reason for that? Russell is the only one who has the clue, and he's not too bright.

Poor Malcolm. It looks like Angie is beginning to annoy him. He likes her, but she never stops talking! I loved that he called his tribe a bunch of goons. He's right! Definitely rooting for him and Denise to survive the plague, that is their tribe.

Tribal Council
Whoa, reality check: Malcolm was 12 when Survivor first aired!

Russell can now add 'delusional' to his list of problems. He thinks he was being strategic when he gave up furing the challenge, ha!

Props to Malcolm for sticking up for Angie when Russell was trying to throw her under the bus. "You can't hold a candle to what I'm going to be able to bring." If that were true, you might have just won a challenge or 2. You might have wanted to show whatever that is, a little sooner.

I'm a little surprised their sticking with Russell again! Honestly, I think Angie and Russell have contributed an equal amount in the challenges and I think she would be more loyal.So, they might not have made the smartest decision. Props again to Malcolm though, for not being completely booty-blinded. I do think that this move will make him even stronger and more focused, so look out Kalabaw and Tandang!

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