Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 8.4

Blind Auditions #4

Team Adam - 11

Lexi Davila, 17
Her age kind of shows, but she has some potential. Definitely some things to work on, but her voice is really pretty.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Blake)

Josh Bastone

Jack Gregori, 37
OK, I'm a sucker for "Ring of Fire" if it's done right. Wow, he was good! His "normal" singing voice was so solid, and then when he dipped down into the low notes...it was ridiculously good!
Chair Turns: 1

Team Blake - 11

Bay Brooks

Brenna Yaeger, 19
Very gutsy singing a Miranda Lambert song in front of Blake. I was surprised how sweet her voice was. Very pretty voice. Best part was when she sang "you don't know me from Adam" and Adam immediately pushed his button and said "she said my name!". lol Adam almost had her all to himself, but finally, Blake turned around too. I so want to be her, because Adam gave her the nicest long hug and danced with her...oh my...I...would...die. She would be a great win for Adam, but it was clear from the beginning that her heart was set on Blake.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Blake)

Brian Johnson, 24
Another Ohio singer! Wow...where are they all coming from! He wanted Adam to turn and all he had to do was sing "Ooh" and he did...wow! I can see why, this guy is amazing! I really wanted to like him, because of his story about bullying and struggling with his weight and his image. The more he sang, the more I liked it. He was so good!!! He was really feeling what he was singing. Such a great performance. And then he chose Blake!
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Blake)

Corey Kent White, 20
I really like his voice. I'm not crazy that he's so country. I think he would sound great doing pop/rock. The coaches debated all day about whether or not to turn around for him, and at the absolute last second Adam and Blake turned. Things got serious when Pharrell took his jacket off. Ha!
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake, Pharrell)

Team Christina - 11

Koryn Hawthorne, 16
I love this song and I think she did a really good job with it. She has such a deep, full voice. I wish she wouldn't have sung it in such a low key. I think she could have sung it in a higher key. She hit some higher notes, so it was possible, and I think it would have sounded even better.
Chair Turns: 2 (Christina, Pharrell)

Katelyn Read

Ameera Delandro

Jeremy Gaynor, 30
He was OK, but pretty boring...maybe it was just the song choice. He had a nice falsetto.
Chair Turns: 4

Team Pharrell - 10

Ashley Morgan
Really strong voice. Great pitch and tone. Her voice was just really pure. I don't know that she stood out as very original or unique, but she definitely has a good voice. The second half of the song was really good.
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake, Pharrell)

Briar Jonnee, 20
She has a very sweet and tender voice. She did a good job with a Rihanna song. When she got to the chorus, she really did some great things with the song. She really ended strong. I really liked it. I was pleasantly surprised by her.
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake, Pharrell)

A Note on a No-Chair Singer:
Jess Gallo, 20
Another Ohioan! I knew right away when they showed her working at her family's restaurant washing dishes and after hearing her name that I had seen her before. I was pretty sure it was on American Idol. I checked, and sure enough I was right. I don't remember anything about her singing on Idol, just her story. So, when she sings, I can't believe I wouldn't remember her because her voice was so strange. It was really closed off and weird. I love the song she did, but it was really weird. Too weird for all of the coaches.

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