Monday, March 9, 2015

The Bachelor, Ep. 19.21: Finale & After the Final Rose

Tonight's the night we get to see if the spoilers are correct! Plus we follow up with the "happy" couple and find out if they are still happy 4 months after the proposal.

Chris starts out back in Iowa. Becca and Whitney will be meeting Chris's family. Recap of where we're at: Whitney has said she loves Chris, Becca's relationship with Chris has moved a lot slower and she hasn't pledged her love yet. He is torn and could go either way.


"Gosh darn it, I'm freakin' nervous!", she said before making her entrance into the Soules house. She told him before they went in that she was in love with him and she's so happy to be there.

She told his family that she watched The Bachelorette and from the beginning her friends and family said he would be perfect for her. She said she came on the show for him. She broke down in tears giving a big speech/toast about how much she feels for him and blah blah blah...that didn't sound rehearsed at all.

She told Chris's sisters that she would be ready to move and make a life with Chris. She said she's at peace with it and that it's meant to be. The sisters told Chris that she was unwavering in her confidence in their relationship. They think she is amazing.

Whitney said all the right things to Chris's mom. She couldn't stop naming things that she loved about Chris. She said she didn't "think" that she loves him, she "knows". She said she is so looking forward to calling someone "mom" again. His mom said that she could easily see her being in the family.

Foreshadowing for things to come: when asked what he loves about Becca, he pulled a classic Chris with lots of stammering and incomplete sentences. His sister Lori said he seemed to feel the need to defend Becca and that he wasn't able to articulate exactly what he loves about Becca...which is a red flag. She hopes he doesn't get hurt.

After meeting his family, she said she knows that she is the future Mrs. Soules. She told him to not forget how much she loves him.

She made a great first impression with the family. They apparently thought she was hilarious, because they laughed hysterically at everything she said.

She was honest with his sisters and said she thought she was falling in love with him but she isn't quite there yet. She's worried that she is supposed to be further along with her feelings and she wonders if she isn't there yet if that means that their relationship has to end. She said when she knows he's the one, she will most definitely pick everything up and move...but she wants to make sure first.

Chris's mom asked her what would make her decide that he was the one. She said last week she was miserable because she thought she could be going home and that she might not see him again. His mom said...that's love! She said she is so concerned with Chris being happy and not getting hurt...and his mom pointed out again...that sounds a lot like love. She said she thinks it's up to her and she needs to put herself out there and not worry so much. His mom doesn't think that Becca realizes just how strong her feelings are for Chris.

His sister Lori is worried because she isn't as far along with her feelings as Whitney is. She has seen a California girl not want to move to Iowa before. Chris said he knows what he feels for her and part of him wants to take a risk with her. His sisters said he should push her a little more to see where she's at and ask the hard questions. He came into this to find a wife and not a girlfriend.

Now, he's just hoping that she will tell him she loves him. It's clear that if she would do that, I think she would be the one. He is really hoping she can make that leap so that he can fully commit to her. If he was set on Whitney, it wouldn't matter what Becca was feeling. It's almost like he wants Becca to make the decision for him...whatever she decides is what he will do. If he gets the "I love you", then she's the one...if he doesn't, he has to decide if he wants to risk picking her and then it not working out, or going with Whitney who's all in 100%.

Final Dates
Chris is obviously torn between the 2. He has one final date with each of them, and he's hoping to gain some clarity.

Chris showed up at Becca's hotel room and he pushed her to really tell him what she is feeling. She said she is falling in love, but isn't there yet (same as she's said before). She said she couldn't give him a timeline for when she might be ready to move. Clearly, it's not exactly the answer he was hoping for. She can't promise him forever, but she said she wants to be married and have kids...but she doesn't know when. He then asked her why she didn't feel like she's in love with him. She said she didn't know. She only knows that she wants him right now and she is so sure about that. He wanted her to say that she believed in them and that she's willing to do whatever it takes. She just doesn't know what to do or say, mainly because she's never been in this situation before. He kept pushing and pushing trying to get the answers he needed. She said part of her concern is figuring out what she would do in Arlington besides just being a part of his life. She said she can hypothetically say that she can see herself in Arlington, and that she would be happy, but what would happen if she decided to move and then really didn't like it and wasn't happy.

With Whitney, he took her to his farm and they did some corn harvesting. She loved seeing him in his natural element and she seemed to have a really good time. He took her back to his house. She said it all just felt 100% right and she had no insecurities at all.

As much fun as Chris had, he's hoping to have an a-ha moment with Whitney back in her hotel room. She said all the right things, as usual, including the fact that she thinks she can finish his sentences and know what he's thinking even without him saying it.

Chris Awaits the Girls
Another first for this season...the final proposal location is in one of Chris's barns. A barn where he grew up playing in. However, I'm guessing there were a few less chandeliers and candles :) Let's just hope no one bumps any of those candles, or that barn full of hay is going to burn down in 30 seconds flat! Oh, and it's actually cold...not a warm location at all.

He's picked out a ring, but still sounds uncertain about his decision. No doubt just a ploy to make us, the audience, think he might not pick anyone or might not propose.

The Rejection
Becca enters the barn, and Chris's voiceover said that seeing her, he's not sure what he's going to do. He said since day 1 he said he could truly see himself with her and he saw a lot of potential for the life they could have together. Then he had to let her down by saying that she wasn't really ready and it isn't fair to either of them to take a risk. He said he wanted it to happen and he's so glad he got to know her and her family. He thinks that she is going to make someone very lucky. She said she respected him for being so honest and she thinks he's going to be an amazing husband.

I'm a little surprised that Becca took it as well as she did. I think it speaks a lot to her character for how poised she was and how respectful she was of his decision.

The Proposal
Whitney is so nervous! She couldn't stop shaking! Chris was speechless, so naturally, Whitney the talker just starts talking. She almost sounds like she's proposing to him! Chris is thinking're saying everything that I would have stuttered over. She's really lucky he picked her or she would feel pretty silly saying the things she's saying, and continually kissing him.

He said things are so natural with them and they don't have to try. He said she's perfect and everything about the moment feels right. He got down on one knee and said he wants the world to know that he loves her and he asked her to marry him. And of course...she said YES!

After the Final Rose
Becca is back, and she still seems to be in a good place. She and Chris both agree that the choice he made was best for both of them. She realized after watching the show that it was maybe kind of silly for her to come on the show without ever having been in love before. She had nothing to compare her feelings to. She said she just didn't feel right about wanting to feel something she wasn't ready for. Just because she was "supposed to" be in love at that point, she didn't want to make that commitment until she was really sure. She said because of being on the show, she thinks she is open to falling in love.

Whitney said that she didn't watch any of the show back except for her dates with Chris. She said she trusted him and didn't really want to see him with the other girls.

The most entertaining part of the ATFR was a visit from Jimmy Kimmel. He brought them a cow! Like a real cow! And his name is Juan Pablo, and doesn't speak any! He wanted to get them something they could use. Ha! I love Jimmy :)

Bachelorette Announcement
Britt or Kaitlyn...or both? Who will it be? Rumors have been swirling all season. It's going to be Britt, no it's going to be Kaitlyn. The producers were having trouble deciding, with time coming down to the wire. Fans have been split down the middle...or have they? Chris H. did a quick poll of the studio audience. Britt got some cheers, but Kaitlyn got an overwhelming amount of cheers. It actually wasn't even close. Chris H. looked a little surprised and worried that they kind of made him a liar, so he decided to try again...seemingly hoping Britt's fans weren't ready the first time and would really cheer this time to make it closer. They were a little louder, but it sounded like there were some moans and boos mixed in. Again, Katilyn's fans seemed more plentiful and more enthusiastic.

For the first time in Bachelorette history, they will both be the Bachelorette...for now. On night 1 of the new season, the 25 guys will be making the choice. This is not a first in the history of the franchise, however. Let's remember back...way Season 6 of The Bachelor. 2 guys, Byron and Jay were chosen as Bachelors, and the girls ended up choosing Byron.

Did anyone get the feeling that neither Britt nor Kaitlyn were too keen on this idea. Clearly they each wanted it to be them. Katilyn's said her reaction to finding out that she wasn't the only Bachelorette was "Well, it's not ideal...but whatever it takes to find someone."

Personally, I think if the guys have watched this season, they will lean toward Kaitlyn for 3 reasons. 1) Britt came off really emotional, crying all the time. 2) Britt showed a very jealous, irrational, and rude side in her last couple episodes. 3) Katilyn has such a fun side to her and she definitely has a guy's sense of humor, which we didn't see a lot of from Britt. I think Britt is the more attractive of the 2 though, so if the guys haven't watched this season and they go on looks alone, I think Britt will win the battle.

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