Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 30.4 & 30.5

This is going to be a long one, folks! We're in for 2 hours of Survivor awesomeness! 2 episodes this week! The previews looked nuts, so I can't wait. Let's get to it!

No Collar Camp - After Tribal
Hali said Nina got what she had coming to her. Hali told Will his name came up twice only because they were playing safe in case Nina had the idol.

Blue Collar Camp
Mike killed the tiniest snake, and Kelly helped him skin it. And we had to see the whole thing! Yuck!

Reward Challenge
Whoa, you know this is going to be big when we are at a challenge only 4 minutes into the episode!

Callback to an old challenge. 2 blindfolded teammates with callers up on platforms. The blindfolded teammates have to dodge some really painful obstacles. 2 other blindfolded teammates have to pulley the items up to the caller.

Winner: chickens and roosters. Runner-up: eggs

White Collar sits out Tyler and Blue Collar sits out Rodney and Mike

I'm not ready for this...we know from the previews that there's an injury. Everyone cross your fingers that no one we like gets hurt.

Callers: White--Carolyn, Blue--Sierra, No--Joe (Yay! That means that Joe isn't the one who gets hurt!)

Shirin takes a hit to the groin! She and Max get their first item. No Collars get back with their first item. No Collars get their 2nd item back. Blue and White simultaneously get their 1st items. Shirin gets nailed again! No Collars get their 3rd.

For Blue, Dan just lets go of his rope and the platform plummets hard to the ground. Jeff yells at him to be careful. For No Collar, Will does the same thing several times and he hits himself every time. Jeff yells at him to be careful and it's on him to be careful. Blue drops the platform again, and this time it nails Kelly on the head...really hard! She gets up and there is blood everywhere! Jeff yells "STOP!" and calls for the medic. Medic checks her out, and she's fine. He patches her up and they continue.

No Collars have all their items, and they are after their flag. Blue and White are fighting for 2nd. "Blue Collars platform is askew!" yells Jeff. White Collar gets the last item up and they are looking for the flag. Here comes Blue Collar. Shirin walks right into the obstacle. Is it her fault or Carolyn's for poor directions? I'm not sure.

And it's No Collar for the win and White Collar with 2nd place. Too bad No Collar's win had to come in a Reward Challenge and not an Immunity Challenge.

No Collar Camp

Today is Will's birthday and he's getting emotional because he's never spent his birthday away from his family.  He's going to top it off with a little fried chicken.

Jenn is bonding with the chickens already. Joe tells her it's only going to make things harder. She doesn't think they should kill one of the chickens because they give them eggs. Joe takes the chicken from her and he's going to do the deed, even though he's never done it before. And just like that, one chicken down. Hali helps pluck the feathers. Jenn is disturbed and leaves. She decides to take this time to look for the idol. Is this the first anyone on their tribe has even tried looking? Good for her. They enjoy their chicken and comment that she's been gone a long time. Next thing you know, she's found the idol!

Blue Collar Camp
Rodney starts coming off like a real sexist by spouting off his views about women. Way to alienate half of your tribe, Rodney. Survivor is not the place to talk about your views. He started saying stuff that didn't even make sense, like when he settles down, he wants it to be with an angel, even though he knows he isn't one. He thinks women should hold themselves to higher standards than men. Lindsey, of course, is the most vocal with her disgust. Rodney decides to go back to his 3C's (cool, calm and collective...yes "collective", not "collected"). Rodney thinks she's nuts, because you don't get tattoos on your face if they don't have serious problems.

White Collar Camp
Shirin talks about slaughtering a bunny rabbit in preparation for possibly needing to kill a chicken on the island. Joaquin immediately thinks she is a psychopath, because that's the first thing psychopaths start with...little animals.

They decide who should sit out the next challenge. Max thinks if they sit out Shirin, she will feel bad. Carolyn thinks they're nuts for even bringing something like that up. After Max leaves, Carolyn says that Max should be the first to cut the head of the snake off.

Immunity Challenge
Tribes are attached by a rope and they maneuver through obstacles to get a bag of balls. Then they go on a balance beam and try to get balls into holes at the top of a wooden board...without it falling into other holes along the way.

Blue Collar sits out Lindsey and Dan, White Collar sits out Shirin

The first part of this challenge is so hard because they have to go down a steep ramp and unravel the rope around an obstacle.

No Collar is in the lead...but next up is Will and he can't get through the very first part of the obstacle. Now Blue Collar is in the lead. Rodney is last for Blue and he's stuck. Joe is in last for No Collar,

Blue is first with their bag of balls, and they head to the maze. Joe and No Collars pick up some time and Joe and Mike are at the same place. Joaquin for White Collar is no there too.

All tribes have 1. Carolyn gets the 2nd one for White. Jen gets #2 for No Collar. Sierra gets #2 for Blue Collar. Oh my, this is so close!

Tyler vs. Kelly vs. Hali. Tyler switches out with Max. Jenn gets #3 and No Collar wins immunity!

Kelly drops her ball and has to start over. Rodney flies in to take her place. Max made a move and it didn't work and he has to start over. Come on Max! We want Blue to go to their first Tribal Council.

Max just about dropped it, but maneuvers nicely. Rodney's ball drops! Max scores and White Collar wins immunity! Finally, Blue Collar gets to experience Tribal Council for the first time! It's about time. I'm ready to see where their alliances really lie.

Blue Collar Camp - Pre-Tribal
Lindsey tells everyone she's proud that they were all on her mat on the first day. Mike says Tribal Council might be just what this tribe needs because you don't know who to trust until Jeff reads the names.

Lindsey and Dan talk about voting out Rodney because of his poor performance in the challenge and he's disruptive around camp. Dan chose to listen to Lindsey like a girl by just nodding and agreeing.

Mike, Rodney, Dan and Kelly are in the water. They say they are the 4 because Lindsey and Sierra have isolated themselves. They want Lindsey out because of her attitude and how she talks to people.

Separately, Kelly and Mike are a tight 2 and they both don't trust Rodney at all. Kelly talks to Sierra and she agrees that it should be Rodney as well. So, it looks like it's either Rodney or Lindsey.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks who has gotten along and where the conflicts are. Dan said Sierra and Lindsey bonded right away. Rodney admits that he and Lindsey got off to a bad start. He said they are like chicken parm and tuna--they don't taste good together. Lindsey said it's his vulgar language and the way he talks about women isn't right. She said they come from very different backgrounds. Rodney again talks about women holding themselves to a higher respect. Jeff is shocked that he would just offend thousands of women by saying that...he doesn't see what is wrong with it. I actually think I know what he means, but his poor choice of vocabulary makes it come out completely wrong. He's saying women should respect themselves more.

Mike said Lindsey united the tribe from day 1 when she shouted that the winner of Survivor is on their mat.

The Votes

Where in the world did Sierra's name come from? It's a tie...did NOT see that coming!

The Revote

Sierra looks absolutely devastated and confused. She is now an alliance of one. She shouldn't feel too alone, history dictates that the 3 tribes will be merged into 2.

Blue Collar Camp - After Tribal
They tried to fix things with Sierra. Dan said they need to air everything. Dan said she's an asset...but she screwed them in the puzzle challenge and in the water challenge and just proceeded to tell her everything she does wrong.

Rodney said Sierra shouldn't be crying because people wrote his name down and blindsided him. Mike said they should just forgive each other and become a unit so that when they are merged they can be tight. Sierra doesn't seem to want any part of it.

Tribe Switch!
Drop your buffs! Anything all depends on the strength of the alliances you've built and who you end up with. I'm nervous!

Blue "Escameca" -- Joe, Dan, Sierra, Rodney, Mike, Joaquin, Tyler (1 No Collar, 4 Blue Collar, 2 White Collar)
Red "Nagarote" -- Will, Hali, JennKellyMax, Carolyn, Shirin (3 No Collar, 1 Blue Collar, 3 White Collar,)

Reward Challenge
Reward: cooking supplies and food + all of White Collar's previous rewards.

Challenge: launch balls to tribe members holding rack with a net to catch.

Shirin and Carolyn are launching
Max scores, Joe scores -- tied at 1
Joe scores, Tyler scores -- Escameca up 3-1

Dan and Hali launching
Joaquin scores, and Joe just misses

Sierra and Shirin launching
Will scores and so does Mike and Escameca wins!

Escameca Camp
Mike is stoked to be in the majority alliance. He still is worried about Rodney and Sierra. He said Sierra felt on the outs and the other side could woo her to their side.

Joaquin seems to really understand Rodney, and he's looking forward to learning more about it.

As soon as Mike and Rodney leave the campfire, Sierra unloads to the others about her dislike of her tribe. She was so upset to be back on a tribe with the 3 guys (Joe, Joaquin and Tyler). Mike is worried that she is talking to the guys because it could easily make him, Dan and Rodney on the outs.

Mike tells Dan they are screwed because of how Dan talked to Sierra. He told her he needs to make things right and just apologize to her. He said she's a woman and she just needs to hear "I'm sorry". Dan is insulted because he is so much older than Mike for him to be telling him what to do.

Dan talks to Sierra and started off with an apology but said she said stuff about him but it wasn't OK with him to do that to her. She said it was the wrong time to say what he said. He continued to put more blame on her and she is pretty much decided that she wants nothing to do with Blue Collar.

Nagarote Camp
Hali thinks it's pretty obvious that because Kelly is the only one from her tribe that she might be the easy choice.

Kelly thinks being an undercover cop will come in handy when trying to see where alliances lie and how to work her way into an alliance. Shirin threw Kelly some "bait" and she ate it...that being that she wanted to work with her.

Shirin...being annoying again. She starts singing REALLY off-key. She tells them that the is a professional whistler. It's driving Jenn nuts! She said she never stops talking and she talks about things they don't need to know (like "I think I'm going to go try to poop.")

Max gets stung by a stingray in BOTH feet! Jenn was a lifeguard, so she tells him to stick his feet in boiling water. His feet were in their drinking pot! Not to mention he has a huge plantar wart on his foot! Hali is thoroughly disgusted. I don't blame you girl!

Carolyn is hoping to blindside her old tribe of Shirin and Max. She said they think they are a tight 3, but she made it pretty clear that she was not happy to be put on another tribe with them.

Immunity Challenge
Pull sleds with pots on them, then put the pots on poles. They will swing wrecking balls to break all the pots.

Jenn/Hali working hard vs. Joaquin/Tyler. Joe/Rodney are flying! Carolyn/Kelly really struggling. On the way back, they slow way down and Carolyn isn't even helping! Sierra/Mike waste no time and they lap Carolyn/Kelly.

Escameca has all pots and they are ready to break them. Shirin/Max make up some time on their run.

Dan breaks 4 in a row and then hits 5/6 in the same swing. There goes #7 and #8! He didn't miss once! What a bloodbath that was! The strength of so many guys really paid off for them.

Woohoo! Escameca is going to be my tribe because Joe and Joaquin are both on Blue. Joe needs a few days to put a plan in place...I'm worried for him as the only person from his original tribe. I'm a little worried for Joaquin, but I think this worked out really well for him. He was kind of in with Tyler and the ones against him are all on the other tribe. I would LOVE to see Joaquin and Joe form a tight 2. They would be an awesome duo!

Nagarote Camp - Pre-Tribal
Max the idiot, is happy to be going to Tribal to mix things up. Max: you are a Survivor expert--you should know that the person who isn't worried and looks forward to going to Tribal, really should be worried! My thoughts are echoed in the many tweets of Survivor alumni on Twitter.

Max tells Jenn he's gone through all the Survivor winners and said that Capricorns have won the most. Jenn said she's seen every season, but he knows every single detail about what has happened. She doesn't know how he remembers all this. That definitely wasn't smart outing just how "smart" he is about the game. That's strike 2 for him tonight.

Jenn and Hali decide between Kelly because she's the swing vote.

Shirin said they need to be strong and win challenges. Max said Shirin was working hard at recruiting Kelly for their side. It looks like they are targeting Will because he is weak at challenges. Shirin is proud of herself for deciding to vote out Will. Max also congratulated her on the job well done with talking to Kelly.

Carolyn has news for them...she's also a swing vote. She said she has a strong alliance with the No Collars, even though Max and Shirin think she is with them. Carolyn tells Jenn that she is not with her old tribe. She said she is 150% with the No Collars.

So now, the discussion goes to Shirin vs. Max. They don't really think they need Max for challenges. They all think they are both annoying. They don't know which one is more annoying: foot warts or poop talk, and other annoying things...

Tribal Council
I literally cannot wait to see what happens! There are going to be some VERY shocked people.

Max said their tribe on paper is a disaster. He likens this swap to an earlier Survivor and what happened with each of the players. Jenn just laughs because it's crazy how much he and Shirin know. That is such a huge target! Yet, Shirin is still proud about how much she knows.

I think Max and Shirin are so full of themselves and they are in so much trouble that they don't even know about! Shirin said she thinks it's going to be a blindside tonight, and if it's her it would be a really big blindside. That's just like asking them to vote for you!

The Votes
Before Jeff reads the votes, Max says "wait"..."I've always wanted to say that." Jeff, stunned, says "OK..."


And there it is! Shirin is absolutely shocked! Her mouth literally almost hit the floor! Max has no reaction whatsoever, I think he is in denial and isn't really processing what just happened. Ha! Wow...serves ya right dude...serves ya right. I saw his demise coming from miles away! Just goes to show, don't show, the following are surefire ways to get yourself voted off, as proven by the professor of the game (question: might Max be purposely trying to prove these basic Survivor traits as ways to be kicked off as some kind of experiment?...or is he really that stupid, clueless, and so un-selfaware?):

1) constantly talk about how much you know about the game
2) walk naked around camp; be annoying around camp
3) be cocky and totally confident about your alliance, your game moves, and your safety
4) make cocky remarks to Jeff at inappropriate times (day 1 on the mat, day 14 Tribal Council before reading the votes)
5) express your happiness for losing and for going to Tribal Council

There you have it, the 5 reasons Max was voted off, and the 5 very simple things he could have done differently and still be in the game. Well done professor...NOT! Your students may be asking for their money back after this.

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