Thursday, March 5, 2015

American Idol, Ep. 14.18

Top 8 Girls

Tyanna Jones — Bobby Day/Michael Jackson’s “Rockin’ Robin”
Oh how I hate this stupid song. That said, she definitely "rocked" it. Get it?!
My Score: A

Loren Lott – Michael Jackson’s “I Wanna Be Where You Are”
Still annoying. When she "sang" it wasn't bad. It got bad when she did those annoying "ah" in her weird nasally/throaty squeals. I don't even know how to explain how she's just nails on a chalkboard for me. Her dance moves were so overexaggerated. I just don't get what people see in her. Her overly excited squealing and jumping around before and after singing is just beyond annoying. Take it down a notch!
My Score: C+

Maddie Walker — The Jackson 5’s “I’ll Be There”
Is her mic even on? I can barely hear her. I'm still not sold on her. She's OK, but she just doesn't stand out to me. She needs to work on consistency throughout a song. Parts are good, but then she kind of falls off in other parts. Her pitch seems a bit weird at times.
My Score: B

Joey Cook — The Miracles’ “Shop Around”
I was so afraid this was going to happen...the ONE person out of the entire top 24 that I didn't want to make it...has made it through. Happens every year, there's always one. This was by far one of her most painful performances, and that's saying a lot because there have been a lot of terrible ones. There was nothing good about all...and I'm not exaggerating. One thing she had going for her was that this song was barely recognizable. I hate this song, and I still hate it after hearing her version...but at least it was different. I can't stand how shocked she always is that she makes it through, and there's always so much crying...ugh!
My Score: D-

Sarina Joi-Crowe — The Miracles’ “You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me”
She is quickly becoming my favorite girl. Last week she shocked the pants off of me, and I wasn't sure if she could match that again. But, she did! This was really good! Her voice is so pretty! I love how she has such soft moments, and then she can belt it out. Her vibratos and runs are perfectly timed and not overdone. This was perfection! I don't agree with Harry, I don't think she was flat at all.
My Score: A+

Adanna Duru — Lionel Richie’s “Hello”
Her too? America is killing me! This was one of her best performances. She really kept it under control and just sang the song. Nicely done, I'm impressed. Again, though, just like last night, I'm reminded of a much better version done by another Idol. David Cook's version was so amazing--relive the awesomeness here.
My Score: A

Jax — Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”
First of all, is she wearing the famous #TheDress that broke the Internet last week with the debate on the colors? I seriously think it did she manage that?!? Second of all, this was an absolutely cool version of this song! This has never been one of my favorite songs, but I love what she did with it. We got the good Jax tonight. Wow, Harry and J. Lo definitely didn't agree with my assessment of this version of the song.
My Score: A

Alexis Gomez — The Four Tops’ “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)”
Wow, out of the girls that were left, I was dreading that Shi was going to get the last spot...thank goodness she didn't! This song does not work as twangy country...yikes. No Motown song was going to work as country, so she was kind of screwed. I liked her early on, but her last couple of performances have not been so great. I hope she can come around.
My Score: C+

We say goodbye to these 4:
Katherine Winston
Lovey James
Shannon Berthiaume
Shi Scott

Of those 4, I'm really, really bummed that Lovey and Shannon didn't make it. There aren't many girls that I liked, and those were 2 of them. I honestly don't know why they didn't make it. Their voices are amazing! So much better than some who made it. On the plus side, at least we are done with Shi! No more Shi! If we can just get rid of Joey next week, I will be a happy girl.

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