Monday, March 2, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 8.3

Blind Auditions #3

Team Adam - 8

Michael Leier, 20
I really like his voice. I love the Pearl Jam song he chose. He has a very unique and distinctive voice that doesn't just sound like anybody. The more I hear, the more I like!!! Such a good performance. He might be my favorite from the Blinds so far. I sure hope he ends up on Adam's team...they would be magic! I'm so excited to see what he does next!
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Blake)

Bren'nae DeBarge

James McNeiece

Barry Minniefield, 52
Look it's Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air..with a dangly earring. Oh, the pain of "Me and Mrs. Jones". Ugh! And then Adam pushes his button at the last second. Adam, what is wrong with you this season?
Chair Turns: 1

Nicolette Maré

Team Blake - 7

Kelsie May, 15
She does not sound 15! Interesting deep voice for a country singer. Too country for me. I think she's one of those people who sings with more of a twang than what she talks with, so, therefore, fake. OK maybe not...she does talk pretty "country" too. But her singing still sounds a little fake to me for some reason.
Chair Turns: 3 (Blake, Christina, Pharrell)

Jacob Rummell, 18
Shout out to Hartville, OH! He's 18, but his voice still sounds like he's 13 when he talks. And then he sings, and I'm sorry, but he sounds like a girl! A girl with a very beautiful voice. It's a little hard to figure him out because he really doesn't look like he sounds. Blake's face was hilarious when he turned around....and then Pharrell's face was priceless! And complete shocker...he chose Blake?!? Big mistake. Adam knows exactly what to do with him, and Blake will have no clue. Wow.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Blake)

Matt Snook

Team Christina - 7

Sonic, 23
She reminds me of Alicia Keys in the way she looks and the way she sounds. I didn't care for her song choice at all. I thought she sounded like she was screaming and it was really painful. I actually thought she was really off in several places. Oh, and I found the chain connecting her nose ring to her earring was really disgusting. Adam...why did you turn around! At least he and the other judges admitted that she fell apart in a couple places. I'm so glad she picked Christina and not Adam. I think after Adam thought about it that he kind of changed his mind (and rightfully so), because he really didn't fight that hard for her.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam, Christina)

Clinton Washington

India Carney, 21
She's OK, but not as good as they made her out to be. She had a really clear tone and good pitch especially on the lower notes. I might have liked it better with a different song. That last run of notes was pretty impressive.
Chair Turns: 4

Team Pharrell - 8

Kimberly Nichole, 32
Custom-made tutu - yuck. Ugly Pharrell hat - yuck. Song - yuck. Voice - OK, but didn't like the scream/squeal. It was a bit much.
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake, Pharrell)

Travis Ewing, 23
He's a loop pedaler...I love those! What an interesting version of Destiny Child's "Say My Name"! Holy took me forever to figure out what song it was! I knew the words, but it was so rearranged that I couldn't pinpoint exactly what song it was. It was a great performance!
Chair Turns: 3 (Blake, Christina. Pharrell)

Noelle Bybee

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