Thursday, August 1, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.16

Fight to Save Howie
Spencer did his best to sway the "underlings" (his word) to vote out Amanda. Those underlings would be GinaMarie, Judd, Andy.

Andy goes to Amanda and spoiled Spencer's plan. She confronts him and he lies to her face and said he wants Candice out. Things got pretty heated, and the bully in Spencer came out once again.

Candice Calls a House Meeting
First of all, these NEVER go well. She calls Spencer out on the carpet and she repeats some pretty nasty things that he said. If she wasn't a target before, she might just be one now. The girls of the house are really tired of dealing with Candice and want to get her out.

The Votes

By a vote of 7-1, my Howie was evicted. Sadly another favorite is out the door, while some really despicable and annoying people remain. I had high hopes for this season, but it's quickly going down the crapper. Aaryn, Helen and Spencer need to go!!!!!

HOH Competition: Bull in a China Shop
Holding onto a rope while trying to stay on a rolling barrell...yeehaw!

The first 3 to fall off get the chance to open a box that could contain $5,000.

To be continued...

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