Saturday, August 3, 2013

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.12

In Jeopardy: Jasmine, Alan, Alexis, Curtis, Makenzie, Nico

Jenna & Tucker-Hip-Hop
Ooh, those black leather oufits were fierce! And so were they! Tucker really surprised me! They were definitely hitting it hard, but they could have been in synch a little better.

Alexis & Nico-Contemporary
Yay, Sonya! Lots of dark emotion in this dance. It was really good! I love Nico!

Hayley & Curtis-Argentine Tango
Curtis injured his shoulder and couldn't dance, so Hayley danced with Leonardo. She did very well and had very good leg flicks and extensions.

Makenzie & Paul-Jazz
Another Sonya! Her legs are insane! But even more insane were the lifts!! Incredible routine, loved everything about it!!

Jasmine & Aaron-Contemporary
Jasmine is beautiful and stunning as always. I love their chemistry. Aaron is such a big guy, and it always surprises me that he dances so softly.

Amy & Fik-Shun-Hip-Hop
I loved their use of the tray as a prop, and then the napkins and the menus, and the chair at the end. Fik-Shun shined in his element and Amy did well with this smoother form of Hip-Hop. It was really cute!

Malece & Alan-Salsa
Alan is so cute! And they make a great couple! This salsa had so much going on! There were tons of lifts and Alan did an incredible job. They both could have had a bit more hip action, but overall it was really fun. And that split by Alan was fantastic!

Eliminated: Curtis and Alexis

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