Saturday, August 31, 2013

Big Brother Around the World, Next Up: Australia!

Big Brother has something for everyone: comedy, drama, competition, "romance", mystery, and twists...all rolled into 1 show. What more could you want? has happened again, I have found another version of Big Brother that I am now COMPLETELY obsessed with! This time it is Australia! After one of the worst, if not THE worst season of Big Brother this season, it is so refreshing and so much fun to see how other countries do it. I have to say right now, I would take any of the others over ours...and it kills me to say that, because I have loved Big Brother since Season 1. I have been so surprised just how much I've loved the other versions. I especially love the casts of Canada and Australia.

After loving Big Brother for the US version alone, for so many years, I heard that Canada was going to have their first season this past winter. I really didn't have any intention of watching it until I found out a bunch of BB alumni were going to watch and their fun tweets got me intrigued. Just one episode in, and I was hooked. For the most part, their version was identical to ours: they had HOHs, Haves/Have Nots, POV comps and they voted to evict their own.

I loved the cast of BBCAN so much, that I follow each of them on Twitter. My favorites are Andrew, Emmett, Jillian, Talla, Alec, Gary, Tom and Liza (so just about all of them!). They are hilarious and are superfans of our American version, so it's fun to hear their reactions and see their Twitter interactions with the BB US alumni.

Then, I found out that the BB UK version was extremely popular, so I thought I'd give that a try this summer. Boy is it different! First of all, their accents just make everything more fun. But beyond that, they have so many other differences! They have NO HOH, NO Have/Have Not, NO POV comps, and instead of the HOH nominating, the housemates ALL nominate, and then the PUBLIC votes each week for who they want to see evicted. They are given random tasks to do, which sometimes involve everyone, and sometimes it is just 1 or 2 housemates. Their food tasks usually involve everyone, and they play for their budget for the week. The current season just ended, and they quickly went into a celebrity version, which over there has also been very popular in the past. I didn't love the cast of this previous season as much as I loved Canada's cast, but I did love Callum, Charlie and Sam.

So now that the regular BB UK season is over, I have found Australia's Big Brother. I didn't know what to expect because I don't know anyone who has ever watched this version before. From the first episode...again, I was hooked! The cast is so amazing and funny! The differences in this version are that the housemates do the nominating, but it is based on a points weird! Each housemate has 5 points to nominate 2 people. They can assign however many points they want to for each of their nominees. Then, the 6 housemates with the most points are up for eviction. The public votes to SAVE housemates, and the one with the least amount of votes goes home.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to blog about the Australian version, but I'm just having too much fun watching it, that I need to talk about it! I'm pretty behind...about 3 weeks behind...but I'm trying to catch up this weekend. I'm going to follow the same blogging format that I used for the UK version, which was to do a recap of each week. It would be way too hard to do each episode, since there is 1 everyday!

So...if you are just as upset as me that people like David, Nick and Howard were so wrongly evicted way early and have left some really unlikable and despicable human beings to fight for the win in our current BB Season 15, here in the US...I HIGHLY recommend watching any one (OR ALL!) of the versions I've listed above. You will be shocked at the great quality of casts and new/interesting twists. Big Brother is fun again, and I find myself just wanting to watch more and more and more...I can't get enough! Join me in Season 10 of Big Brother's not too late to get started!

Here are the YouTube links that I have used for each version:

Canada: unfortunately, the link I used has been removed since the season has ended :( and unfortunately, I haven't found a channel that has all of the episodes. If you do some searching you can find a few episodes here and there, so you can probably get them all somewhere, just not on the same channel.

Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!

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